Amir, any chance you'd be willing to review and measure the original MiniDSP 2x4? I searched the site and didn't see it show up in case I missed it. I've got a pair of those in an active 3-way setup and I absolutely love it, but I'd be curious to see how it actually measures. I've been looking to get a new DAC for some upfront processing (streaming/USB stuff) but don't want to go too overboard seeing as how the MiniDSP converts everything back to digital and then analog again, doesn't make sense to get too fancy on the main DAC. I've ready through the whole data sheet on the ADAU1701 but there's little focus on the the ADC/DAC and more on the DSP side, maybe you've measured that IC in another unit? Thanks! And I love all the reviews, very informative stuff!