@Chester's point, tbh I don't think there's anything super special about KH 120 II imaging. Don't get me wrong, they are truly exceptional nearfield/desktop speakers (I limit myself to that because I've only used them in that context) and they image just fine, if much smaller in scale (because nearfield). Certainly the immersive system stomps all over them in terms of every aspect of spatial reproduction, comparing the same stereo recordings and upmixing with Auro. But even limited to stereo I don't think they're anything special in the imaging department compared to either of our other stereo setups (Revel Gem2s + multisubs EQ'ed with Dirac Live Bass Control; NHT C-3 + 2 subs EQed with RoomPerfect).
Perhaps people who don't use room correction will find bigger spatial differences between speakers (and thus, be more inclined to demand augmentation to mono evaluation) given the comparatively worse pair matching at the listening position?
@j_j had a good deck on how matching speakers' response improves imaging. See, at 28.