You could look at the data a number of different ways. Here are the results, ranked.
In absolute numbers:
1. Europe 982 (49.7%)
2. North America 727 (36.8%)
3. Asia 142 (7.2%)
4. Oceania 85 (4.3%)
5. South America 33 (1.7%)
6. Africa 7 (0.4%)
Adjusted per million population (ASR votes / total population / result) = ASR members per million population
1. Oceania 85/45.8m = 1.86
2. Europe 982/746.4m = 1.32
3. North America 727/579m = 1.26
4. South America 33/422.5 = 0.08
5. Asia 142/4561m = 0.03
6. Africa 7/1216m = 0.006
Adjusted per land area (ASR votes / land area in millon km^2 / result) = ASR members per million square km
1. Europe 982/10.53 = 93.26
2. North America 727/24.71 = 29.42
3. Oceania 85/8.53 = 9.97
4. Asia 142/44.58 = 3.19
5. South America 33/7.84 = 1.85
6. Africa 7/30.37 = 0.23
Adjusted for GDP per capita (ASR votes / GDP per capita in $USD1000 / result) = ASR members per $1000 USD
1. Europe 982/42.25 = 23.24
2. North America 727/22.85 = 31.82
3. Oceania 85/13.16 = 6.46
4. Asia 142/26.84 = 5.29
5. South America 33/18.1 = 1.82
6. Africa 7/5.9 1.12
Adjusted for total GDP in USD$1 trillion (ASR votes / total GDP in USD$1T / result) = ASR members per $1T
Same source as above. I am unable to find data for total GDP so I obtained it by multiplying GDP/capita by population. As per above, this is a measure of how foolish we are with money

Hi-Fi is an expensive hobby. If there are more members as a proportion of the total economic output of the region, then we have people in those continents foolishly spending money on hi-fi! (Yes this is tongue in cheek, put your knives and flamethrowers away!)
1. Oceania 85/0.6 - 141.67 <--- calculation affected by large wealth discrepancy between countries in Oceania
2. North America 727/13.23 = 54.96
3. Europe 982/31.6 = 31.08
4. South America 33/7.6 = 4.34
5. Asia 142/122.4 = 1.16
6. Africa 7/13.6 = 0.51
Adjusted for millions of English speakers (ASR votes / number of English speakers in millions / result)
1. South America 33/5.4m = 6.11 <--- unreliable data suspected
2. Oceania 85/30m = 2.83
3. Europe 982/370m = 2.65
4. North America 727/334m = 2.17
5. Asia 142/460m = 0.31
6. Africa 7/237m = 0.03
I would LOVE to analyse it by divorce rate, poverty index, number of Mercedes sold (as an indirect measure of luxury consumption), but there is only so much data I can find ...