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Pet Cloning

Adapted to pleistocene = taking over the world with global warming in play?
They would surely feel better at home in parts oh northern Eurasia today, the thing with Neanderthals is they needed a lot of meat, due to their huge brains (much bigger than ours) and their incredible muscle mass, which was probably also part of their demise. Sapiens were the efficient kind at the time.
National Geographic ran an extremely interesting series called Year Million
They cover a variety of issues and what the human condition may be like at year 1,000,000

"Year Million is a new series exploring life in the near and distant future, where artificial intelligence is everywhere and advances in medicine and biology will expand our lives by hundreds of years. The way we communicate, work and learn will be revolutionized through telepathy and virtual reality. The drive to explore will push us further into the cosmos, where we'll discover new planets, resources, and possibly even new life."

Catch them if or where you can.
My XFinity search shows the 6 episodes being available On Demand for $2.95 each

The Technology of Immortality in Year Million.

Oh, some posts got deleted .., turns out certain folks can lose their minds over virtually nothing . Please guys be nice , especially when there’s absolutely nothing at stake.
Dang it, I always miss the good stuff. :(
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I don't get it but it's of no matter?

I didn't go watch it or anything but just postulating that "humans" still exist after 997981 more years of technological development is a mistake. We'll almost certainly have turned ourselves into something completely different by then.
Being able to clone our bodies but maybe not the brain or just enough brain to run the organs so we have a spare waiting in the wings.

I’m of the opinion we should just get on with it, over the millennia we’ve done far worse than clone a few humans.

Ugh....so we work hard to try to make slavery and genocide a thing of the past, but then move straight to organ harvesting clones?


Aldous Huxley, here we come....
No reason to have the clones be encephalic. Just a bag of spare parts with no consciousness.
No reason to have the clones be encephalic. Just a bag of spare parts with no consciousness.

Time to market.

Rich folks with low scruples have needs now, and there will be regimes that will provide them with organs.

Rumors are that this is already the case with donor prisoners in China....
I think we are close to replicate functional organs. Already several companies are ready to commercialize VAT grown "meat" or something resembling it enough to fool most people. We have printed an ear lobe with a 3-D printer and some lab-grown biological thingie .. Do we need the expense and complications of a full Human to grow an organ? No.
Our imaginations is being challenged by many notions. Cloning , people replication, Life extension .. Even the idea of having money may seem quaint in a few years ...
I think we are close to replicate functional organs. Already several companies are ready to commercialize VAT grown "meat" or something resembling it enough to fool most people. We have printed an ear lobe with a 3-D printer and some lab-grown biological thingie .. Do we need the expense and complications of a full Human to grow an organ? No.
Our imaginations is being challenged by many notions. Cloning , people replication, Life extension .. Even the idea of having money may seem quaint in a few years ...

Don't let em BS you, that's Soylent Green! o_O

Last year in SF I took part in a taste test of vat-grown meat tissue...
Last year in SF I took part in a taste test of vat-grown meat tissue...
You need to stay away from La La Land
Nothing good ever goes on in that state. ;)
You need to stay away from La La Land
Nothing good ever goes on in that state. ;)

I moved to Washington!

FWIW, the vat grown meat had a huge texture issue, like putrid or decayed flesh, but without the smell.

It was fine in a hot dog, but the hamburger was weird and the 'steak' was awful.
FWIW, the vat grown meat had a huge texture issue, like putrid or decayed flesh, but without the smell.
Dude, your makin me gag.
Won't be able to enjoy a good steak for a week.. :eek:
Maybe the veggies will eat it. LOL
I would be interested in having myself cloned if it inherits how to measure audio gear. I have so much stuff to measure that trumps ethics of it. :D

Aren't you locked into that Karmic rebirth cycle, already? The queue is never ending. :p
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