I don't see why would be problematic other than for subwoofer.If the 1-way is a subwoofer then yes that option would be better, but without matching units the crossover can be hell for anything else.
I don't see why would be problematic other than for subwoofer.If the 1-way is a subwoofer then yes that option would be better, but without matching units the crossover can be hell for anything else.
I've been rocking my fa123 for a month or so. I really like the ability to make fast changes. Hypex seems to update the software/firmware pretty regularly. I complained publically about an EQ issue and a week later there was a patch. Was it because of me? I dunno, but I am thankful.
This box fits the fa123:
You just need to make a top with the holes in it.
Sure! But I am new at this myself.You seem to know your way around the software very well, could you help me with the crossover if i decide to go this route?
Sure! But I am new at this myself.
I was at first put-off by how the filters work in HFD but now it is no biggie.
The HFD manual shows you how to convert standard filters to the biquads.
You can download the HFD software before you even buy it to try it out.
No. If you take some images of your settings I can do a video capture putting the settings into HFD if that helps? Or just write out the XO settings and I can use that.Do you happen to have a miniDSP (software only) lying around?
Use two FA503 for my current projects. They are not perfect, but for the price there is probably not much comparable.Anyone here used ones in their recent builds? Any experiences?
It's adjustable very precisely in the digital domain.Different gains.
The modules emit quite a bit of heat for Class-D. So that the fan does not have to start more often (when listening to loud music), good air circulation must be ensured.
But can you hear the fan when listening to loud music?
The fans are audible during very quiet passages or short pauses.
However, since I have no claim to aesthetics and only functionality is important, I placed the modules in the simplest external rack with the best possible air circulation. Since then, the fans rarely start when listening to music.
The rack is unlikely to win any design awards
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Oh yes, what I forgot to mention, the upload of new presets is done via a mini-USB connector on the module (each module separate). This is not very robust and should wear out very quickly. Therefore, the USB cables are permanently plugged into the modules to avoid premature wear due to frequent plugging and unplugging of the cable.
What annoys me immensely is the fact that the modules crash when switching frequently between different presets, which of course one does very often when developing a loudspeaker and which should actually be a strength of an active loudspeaker project.
I would also recommend placing the modules in a separate enclosure, as they can then be used for any number of speakers.
If the bug is really fixed, that would be extremely gratifying.The latest firmware (1.44) contains a workaround that adresses the preset change isntability too.
The firmware is in the zip archive along with the latest HFD.Where did you find version 1.44 for download?
You can get two 3-way units and use them in BTL mode to get 4 drivers running.
BTL will be too expensive and no value any more. I wish they can make an add on amp section that we can add more if we want.That would be a complete redesign of the dsp module, it is 3 channel only.
So how are you going to integrate the subwoofer? using subwoofer high pass to the speaker?Well that what I will be doing, I will split the BTL once i add a subwoofer.