This topic has been discussed before: everyone. I have ordered a pair of KH750 + an MA1 to improve the already impressive bass quality of my pair of KH310 for hi-fi stereo listening, given that my living room is 47 m2 and I don't like to see their woofer working too hard. I am however uncertain of having actually made the right choice, considering that these subs appear to have lower SPL / higher distortion compared to the plain 310s in the frequency spectrum that they are called to reproduce (except of course for the part < 34 Hz, but there the SPL / distorsion is even worse).
However, please can somebody clarify an important thing to me: I obviously want each pair of sub + 310 to play a different stereo channel, but can I get correct autocalibration of such a setup using the software and MA1? Because if I understand correctly, in order to calibrate the system, both L and R channels must be fed to both the subs with Y cables.... so, aren't we calibrating the subs in mono, and only the satellites in stereo? What the heck of a calibration is ever this? Anyone with some experience may kindly confirm if I am correct?
The workaround posted as a picture in this post by @ba7777 is from an older version of the manual, before it supported dual (mono) subs. I guess the workaround for a stereo sub configuration should still work. Although it is not recommended by Neumann. AFAIK the standard way to do a stereo setup with bass management is to sum the bass signals and send the same signals to your sub-rig (1, 2, 3, 4... subwoofers distributed in the room). The goal of this approach is a more smooth bass distribution in the room. I read only very few opinions one could need a stereo sub system (as far as i remember, some kind of electronic dance music producer mentionend "phasing effects" used in this kind of music in the bass), but i don´t know more about this. This approach is more like adding a fourth way to the KH310, and i don´t think it works only if you place the subs close to the mains (= not optimal for bass distribution). So, from what i understand, using stereo subs is the more "exotic" approach.