I agree with Teashea in this case. Neumann writes in the manual to ensure a similar difference between L and R with +/- 0.5cm precision ("Arrange the front left and right loudspeakers and the listening position to form an equilateral triangle. The distance between the loudspeakers the listening position should be the same to within approximately ±0.5 cm. " Source: https://ma1.neumann.com/manual). This should be impossible without a stand.Read what Neumann says ---- It is critical
Also, Markus Wolff (Neumann´s lead engineer for studio monitors) himself wrote in an e-mail to me: "Es ist in der Tat sehr wichtig, bei der ersten Messung sehr genau auf insbesondere den korrekten Abstand von rechtem zu linkem Lautsprecher zu achten. Bei den weiteren Messungen ist das nicht mehr so kritisch."
Translation via DeepL: "It is indeed very important to pay close attention to the correct distance from the right to the left speaker during the first measurement. This is not as critical for the subsequent measurements."
We are talking about 70-80cm listening distance here in this thread. So, maybe not 100% irrelevant, but the calculated far field in-room-responses should not really apply here.No, no they are not. Less important? Sure. Irrelevant? Absolutely not.