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Need help! General questions about adding an Accuphase integrated amp.


Jan 17, 2024
Hello All,
First time posting here, and can use a bit of help from you all. You have all helped me so much in the past, and its a really nice community.

Have been into audio for several years, and have been quite satisfied over the past few years with my setup. Recently, my wife got me a nice turntable and with all the new added listening hours, I am wanting to really upgrade my equipment. I usually listen casually (Vinyl, streaming, and my own files), but now a days I have been really spending more time listening and feel the need for an upgrade, as I feel my speakers are being held back. (I absolutely adore the focal Aria's)
My current set up is centered around a Yamaha Advantage RX A1080 receiver unit. I am running a 3.1 setup with Focal Aria 936 towers and center, and a SVS subwoofer. I also listen to headphones a lot and have a Vioelectric HPAV280 and a bottlehead crack tube amp (and some other DAC/Headphone amps that are not being used).

I am seriously considering an Accuphase E-480 or an E-4000 and pairing it with an Eversolo DMP A-8. I am wanting to look more into Roon as well. I heard an Accuphase amp a few years ago and was enamored by it, however the purchase was not feasible at the time. Plus, VU meters. :)

What I am hoping to do is run the Accuphase integrated to my receiver to listen in stereo when I wish to listen to music through home theater bypass. I want to use the Eversolo as a DAC/Streamer to feed into the Accuphase (I will purchase the additional cards for phono and dac inputs). I also want to use the balanced pre-out to connect my Vioelectric amp, and a line preout to connect to my bottlehead crack amp to listen to headphones. Any ideas on how to make this all work?

Much appreciated in advance.
I am also hoping to add a second pair of speakers down the road at some point. Probably the Buchardt P300's, and A-B between the two sets of speakers.
Hello All,
First time posting here, and can use a bit of help from you all. You have all helped me so much in the past, and its a really nice community.

Have been into audio for several years, and have been quite satisfied over the past few years with my setup. Recently, my wife got me a nice turntable and with all the new added listening hours, I am wanting to really upgrade my equipment. I usually listen casually (Vinyl, streaming, and my own files), but now a days I have been really spending more time listening and feel the need for an upgrade, as I feel my speakers are being held back. (I absolutely adore the focal Aria's)
My current set up is centered around a Yamaha Advantage RX A1080 receiver unit. I am running a 3.1 setup with Focal Aria 936 towers and center, and a SVS subwoofer. I also listen to headphones a lot and have a Vioelectric HPAV280 and a bottlehead crack tube amp (and some other DAC/Headphone amps that are not being used).

I am seriously considering an Accuphase E-480 or an E-4000 and pairing it with an Eversolo DMP A-8. I am wanting to look more into Roon as well. I heard an Accuphase amp a few years ago and was enamored by it, however the purchase was not feasible at the time. Plus, VU meters. :)

What I am hoping to do is run the Accuphase integrated to my receiver to listen in stereo when I wish to listen to music through home theater bypass. I want to use the Eversolo as a DAC/Streamer to feed into the Accuphase (I will purchase the additional cards for phono and dac inputs). I also want to use the balanced pre-out to connect my Vioelectric amp, and a line preout to connect to my bottlehead crack amp to listen to headphones. Any ideas on how to make this all work?

Much appreciated in advance.
If it's not just the exterior of the Accuphase amplifier, I would personally recommend listening to the Yamaha A-S2200 and A-S3200 in comparison.
If it's not just the exterior of the Accuphase amplifier, I would personally recommend listening to the Yamaha A-S2200 and A-S3200 in comparison.
I appreciate the input. If I have a chance to give it a listen and enjoy it, I am open to it. Although I did listen to an Accuphase integrated amp and loved it. An acquaintance of mine has one and I got to A-B it with a Peachtree audio unit (which I also enjoyed).
If the Accuphase is on your wishlist, even a lovely Yamaha like the A-S2200 and A-S3200 will not make you happy. Happy that you saved a ton of money, but Yamaha is not Accuphase.

Just buy the one you really want, use it and enjoy it and know it will always retain a pretty good chunk of the initial outlay, should you wish to try something else. The same cannot be said about the Yamaha.
I would focus on speakers if I whose you.
Focal have good but very over priced speakers, this is not one of those. I could somehow swallow +6 dB boost in bass as it can be corrected but bright response from tweeter which capitalise at about 16 KHz and can not be corrected I can only say thank God it's not lower, still they are bright anyway (masked with bass boost). Future more impedance/phase looks horrible and makes them very hard to drive and I don't know is multiple sharp crossings angles worse or that they deep to 2.8 Ohms. Certainly not for Yamaha AVR's or A-B class stereo amplifiers.
Your choice of speakers will influence your choice of amplifier. With something which won't deep under 4 Ohms I would go with Yamaha, if they do and to 3 Ohms then look at ATI Hypex range. I am not a guy who is much into the looks, functionality and performance come first if it's me.
Thank you all for the responses. I have spent A LOT of time on ASR this past month trying to educate myself on as much as I can. I did purchase a second hand Accuphase at a very good price (at least IMO) and just took delivery on it yesterday. First listening impression in my room and with my equipment is lovely. The low end really came to life (have not used my subwoofer, and may not need to).

Even my wife (who is not into audio at all) was impressed with the experience and took over the audio controls to listen for a couple hours. She was smiling and enjoying some of her favorite songs, which made me really happy. I have yet to set up my headphone equipment, but will try to get the speaker set up dialed in first. I need to work on placement a bit more. Next up will be a streamer/dac at some point in the near future.

I would focus on speakers if I whose you.
I do enjoy my current speakers for now, and if the time comes in the future to add another pair (I likely wont sell my Focal) I may go for something a bit different as you suggested. Its hard to pick out a pair of speakers unless you can audition several sets. I auditioned Focal and loved them, hence the purchase years ago and have been happy with them since.

I am not a guy who is much into the looks, functionality and performance come first if it's me.
Aesthetic is not majorly important to me, but its nice when the equipment you like does look the part and functions well simultaneously. Build quality is however, more important to me than aesthetics.
Accuphase is very expensive in the UK (a possibly unkind dealer pal of mine regards distribution here as 'One man and his cheque-book going to Germany every so often to stock up'). Having said that, they're gorgeous inside and out and built to last for many decades. The illusion was spoiled at last year's Audio East show when the rep had a long trestle table with white table-cloth and a row of Accuphase boxes set up on it stacked two high - might as well have been Rotel or something as it looked garish set that way sadly... Another room had a pre-power Accuphase beautifully lit and presented (the dem was of speakers) and the beauty of the product came out perfectly then.

Hope you can love this unit for many years and forget all about amplifiers... I'd suggest the amp section of the Accuphase would be best for stereo music - you suggested running the Accuphase into the Yamaha AV unit? Apologies for confusion, but not sure that gives advantage to either setup (home theatre systems don't always 'do' music well once the picture is turned off but then I've not heard the often outrageous systems some here have which may well be fine). Too many boxes, too little time, so try to keep it simple as possible which I'm sure your better half would appreciate :D
Just talked to a guy upgrading from AS1200 to Accuphase E470. To me, that's a huge compliment to Yamaha value.
Just talked to a guy upgrading from AS1200 to Accuphase E470. To me, that's a huge compliment to Yamaha value.
I accept the change, but 'upgrade?' I'd personally take it that it's a visual and wallet draining one rather than anything to do with sonics or outright performance :)
I lean to agreeing with DSJR regarding daisy chaining all the components together. If you're serious enough about playback to buy Accuphase why cripple it with an avr in the chain? As you've already suggested not using the sub why noy try without the center channel and use a line out for the headphone amp? Every Focal speaker pair I listened to could create a soundstage and imaged like a champ.
Congratulations on getting an Accuphase, they really are wonderful equipment to own and use for a lifetime.
Thank you! I am thrilled with it thus far. I also got my speakers much better positioned and the combo with the Accuphase amp is really quite nice. I'm enjoying the pairing for now.
If you're serious enough about playback to buy Accuphase why cripple it with an avr in the chain
Currently just listening to the Accuphase without the AVR in the chain at all. I have an IFI ZEN Blue that's been hanging around unused that I'm listening through until I get a streamer and a DAC. It's doing a good job for now until I can commit to something a bit more resolving. My head is spinning in that regard (I'm currently trying to make sense of PCM, DSD and trying to figure out if I want to go R2R and NOS or DS. That'll be my next project) but that's a topic for another thread I'm sure.

My set up does include my home theater system, so I will try to incorporate it at some point and see if I can even hear a difference. Hopefully with home theater bypass and the separate streamer/DAC it wont cause too much degradation. I would hopefully just use the HTB for movies, gaming, etc
Currently just listening to the Accuphase without the AVR in the chain at all. I have an IFI ZEN Blue that's been hanging around unused that I'm listening through until I get a streamer and a DAC. It's doing a good job for now until I can commit to something a bit more resolving. My head is spinning in that regard (I'm currently trying to make sense of PCM, DSD and trying to figure out if I want to go R2R and NOS or DS. That'll be my next project) but that's a topic for another thread I'm sure.

My set up does include my home theater system, so I will try to incorporate it at some point and see if I can even hear a difference. Hopefully with home theater bypass and the separate streamer/DAC it wont cause too much degradation. I would hopefully just use the HTB for movies, gaming, etc
With your Accuphase amplifier, you don't have to accept any deterioration or limitations from your home theater system.
You simply connect the preamp outputs for the main speakers of your RX-A1080 to the main in of your Accuphase amplifier, or alternatively to the line in.
You change the setup in your RX-A1080 accordingly, re-calibrate the entire system and have a completely separate 2-channel stereo system that integrates seamlessly into your AV system. No restrictions whatsoever and the AV amplifier area is significantly relieved.
This is what my configuration has looked like for almost 30 years.

A note about your RX-A1080. Only replace it if it is really necessary, you would currently pay a lot more and get significantly less.
I don't know about any of your home theater concerns. For me, Accuphase is a two channel and done sort of thing. However I'd consider service after the sale before plunking down that kind of $$$. In the US, Accuphase has had spotty coverage. At least that is my impression. Here's the thing: if it breaks, you don't want to have to send it back to Yokohama for warranty work.

Yamaha has better coverage, and is good value, but doesn't have the same luxury status-- definitely not the same visual appeal.

Personal anecdote: When I was looking for a 'trad-style' integrated amp I was tempted to buy one of the Lux products. But at the time I wasn't even sure who was importing and servicing Luxman in the US. So I went with the Benchmark amp/pre combo. Better in the specs department, but not in the visual feng shui. But I knew who to send it to if it ever broke down. Much cheaper to send to Syracuse than Osaka, from my locale.
I don't know about any of your home theater concerns. For me, Accuphase is a two channel and done sort of thing. However I'd consider service after the sale before plunking down that kind of $$$. In the US, Accuphase has had spotty coverage. At least that is my impression.

The problem with Accuphase is that they will only service products originally purchased through the U.S. distributor in the U.S. Up until maybe 5 years ago, all of the Accuphase gears could be user configured between 100, 117, 220V just changing by a few jumpers and with the yen somewhat weak, it was cheaper to buy a 100V one from Japan and then switch it to 117V.

The U.S. distributor knows supply and demand allows them to charge extra.

The best deals for Accuphase in the U.S. is through Canada or Japan, but once you do that, the legendary Accuphase service no longer applies…
I don't know about any of your home theater concerns. For me, Accuphase is a two channel and done sort of thing. However I'd consider service after the sale before plunking down that kind of $$$. In the US, Accuphase has had spotty coverage. At least that is my impression. Here's the thing: if it breaks, you don't want to have to send it back to Yokohama for warranty work.

Yamaha has better coverage, and is good value, but doesn't have the same luxury status-- definitely not the same visual appeal.

Personal anecdote: When I was looking for a 'trad-style' integrated amp I was tempted to buy one of the Lux products. But at the time I wasn't even sure who was importing and servicing Luxman in the US. So I went with the Benchmark amp/pre combo. Better in the specs department, but not in the visual feng shui. But I knew who to send it to if it ever broke down. Much cheaper to send to Syracuse than Osaka, from my locale.
In very recent years, Luxman seems to have excellent distribution and service in the UK (for UK readers interested of course). Build, *feel* and performance of their solid state amps seems very good and prices rather lower here by a third or so than Accuphase. Here, they compare (and in my opinion clearly out-perform) the likes of Naim, which still has a strong following here and the 'sound' is similar to the Accuphase, grain free with a relaxed 'effortless quality' about it which I also get from the Quad Artera at lower price - yes I know it's a subjective psycho-acoustic vibe, but it's there for me and others, okay?

I do appreciate that visual and tactile senses are involved here, but please guys, can we accept this as well as the bench performance. Not all of us can afford such tactile and visual luxury, so we can be happy with our near sota little black boxes, some with displays of varying quality, but I've had to try to accept that others posting here *can* freely spend rather more on luxury goods and in this, I feel that Accuphase and selected Luxman products meet this need admirably (I was taken with both maker's CD players - oooh they're gorgeous to use, but in fairness there was a Yamaha SA-CD player 'somethingorother 1000' which was also a delight to listen through and enjoy using).
I accept the change, but 'upgrade?' I'd personally take it that it's a visual and wallet draining one rather than anything to do with sonics or outright performance :)
I don't know many manufacturers that offer post sales servicing to accuphase levels, save perhaps Quad. An accuphase amplifier is really guaranteed to outlast it's owner.
I don't know many manufacturers that offer post sales servicing to accuphase levels, save perhaps Quad. An accuphase amplifier is really guaranteed to outlast it's owner.
I have to say that there are still many 1970's big amps still running and serviceable after fifty years, even if case parts can't be got except from a donor... I take your point though, but I doubt that many young people buy into this brand the prices they ask...
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