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Marantz AV7705 Review (AV Processor)

If Audyssey is off and you still have the issue.. not sure what it could be. Audyssey on, could be a poorly calibrated mic or a bad Audyssey measurement. If Audyssey measurements are showing low treble relative to your target curve, it will boost the treble when it shouldn’t. This is something that should be able to be figured out with REW and measurements to see what is going on.
Are you using the Audyssey app? If not, it is the best purchase you can make. Simply limit correction to somewhere around 200-500hz.

I thought about suggesting him to use REW to help investigating the cause too. Incidentally, I did use REW to compare the X3400H and the separates, based on FR and other plots I also saw no evidence of the X3400H doing anything funny that could add sibilance. On FR, the two curves almost overlap to the point with 1/12 smoothing they look like one curve.

I found the following article that seemed to support your idea that it might something to do with how the OP did his Audyssey measurements but then again as you also said if that's the case then the issue should be there only when Audyssey is on.

I thought about suggesting him to use REW to help investigating the cause too. Incidentally, I did use REW to compare the X3400H and the separates, based on FR and other plots I also saw no evidence of the X3400H doing anything funny that could add sibilance. On FR, the two curves almost overlap to the point with 1/12 smoothing they look like one curve.

I found the following article that seemed to support your idea that it might something to do with how the OP did his Audyssey measurements but then again as you also said if that's the case then the issue should be there only when Audyssey is on.

it has to be addressed to EQ careful and i use additional to tame and still some higher highs need to be still perceived easily . i could have done a direct source recording rather inroom but ulitmaley it will be the cinema PA loudspeaker monitor that it's listened on . i don't use auto-eq audysey have in past and it made sheer mess as it couldn't figure out i was using DSP crossover at the time and added high boast peak in the middle of the 500Hz and had me puzzled until i sussed it out and will never again use any auto-eq . all EQ here is done manually to double triple check over till i'm satisfied .
camera phone is adding too much bass boost played it back on same JBL cinema PA . should have used the sony handycam with outboard stereo mics into an EQ and reduced the , any if you play over home theatre as complex as mine if have DSP crosover just add change the crossover slope -6dB and raise it to 150Hz or 200Hz and should sound less boomy .

so what am i doing . i'm switching the crossover filter On/Off its set at 2.03KHz -6dB slope . so with THX sound system that adds HF screen channel boost for the "five screen wide" only using thee screen at preset . the REW is showing the direct sound from the THX sound system to the computer's REW RTA .

"message and com system" often had a bright sibilance . i have tamed that . but note : the rubbish smart phone and smart phones are rubbish it is adding slight high frequency lift as i played the video back on same centre channel at least 10 times and it's actually better sounding in person . so the smart phone is just rough idea .

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I hope the AV7706 measured better. Just purchased one a few months ago to replace my old Anthem AVM50v for multichannel purpose.
I did stereo listening comparison between:
Oppo 105D (HDMI out) --- -------AV7706 ---- --------------------------Levinson---- 802D3
Oppo 105D (XLR Analog out) ----GFP750 pre-amp (passive mode) ----Levinson----802D3

They sounds very similar for pop and classical songs, playing up to 98dBC peak at 11ft listening distance.

Since then, I have bought several more pre-amp LA4, Topping Pre90, newer Levinson 536 and add a pair of 800D3 speakers and found a few new hi-res songs and SACDs.

I still keep the AV7706 as a pre-pro to listen to Atmos BD/4k movies.
I did numerous stereo music blind test experiment with:
AV7706 ----> LA4 (pass thru) -------------------> Levinson 536 ------> 802D3
AV7706 ----> TOP Pre90 (pass thru) ------------> Levinson 536 ------> 802D3
AV7706 -------------------------------------------> Levinson 536 -------> 802D3
AV7706 -------------------------------------------> Levinson 333 -------> 802D3
GFP750 -------------------------------------------> Levinson 333 ------> 802D3
GFP750 -------------------------------------------> AHB2 ---------------> 802D3
GFP750 -------------------------------------------> ClassD Purifi --------> 802D3
TopPre90 -----------------------------------------> Levinson 536 -------> 802D3
LA4 -----------------------------------------------> Levinson 536 --------> 802D3

LA4 -----------------------------------------------> Levinson 536 ---------> 800D3
AV7706 ----> LA4 (pass thru) --------------------> Levinson 536 -------> 800D3

Net: I can hear more audible difference when switching amplifiers than switching between AV7706 vs LA4 direct to amp.
Upgraded from Denon X3400 to Marantz AV7706 and have issue with emphasized sibilance that Denon did not have in the same system.
Have tested seemingly everything Audessey on/off, Tone control, GEQ but does not really cure the focus on sibilance. Otherwise sounds great and a big upgrade from Denon but highs ruins it.
Did not expect that as usually it is stated that Marantz has warmer sound.
For sources using streamers Atv4k and Shield Pro for speakers Genelec actives with using treble -2db and also have acoustic panels in room.
Only thing on top of prepro change was using XLR outputs directly. Previously used same XLR cables with XLR to RCA adapter cables.

Any recommendations to try before I give up on Marantz?
Summarizing my Marantz AV7706 outcome:

Was tempted to return AV7706 couple of times during first couple of weeks but wanted to make it work as some things indicated that it would be a worthwhile upgrade for me.
First thing I noticed after connecting using all channels through XLR how sub channel was much more articulate. I do use Behringer DCX2496 to EQ my dual subs so maybe higher voltage from XLR helped here toward professional gear.
Another thing was surround sound that was on another level. Much more atmospheric and precise in object positioning. The best surround I have heard in my system up to now,

Main issue really was vocal sibilance like mentioned in my first post.
Things that contributed sibilance in my view:
  • AV7706 has seemingly more resolution/detail that might be higher treble level compared to Denon, have not measured. That might come out bright depending on your speakers.
  • Genelec 80xx are revealing speakers and can sound bright on top end. I did use -2db Treble tilt already before. So combination with previous point did no add up so well.
  • It seems my ears are more sensitive to high freq. than average.
  • No Burn-in of probably both Marantz and my ears. Wrong forum to state device burn-in probably but I believe the sound character has changed slightly after couple of weeks. More so for my ears probably.
So combining all of this the sibilance was harsh in the beginning. Seemingly nothing seemed to help out to tame it like: Tone control (btw usable and appreciate that it exists), Audessey, GEQ, etc.
Mostly used Stereo or Atmos mode without any additional correction (Genelec dip switches and Behringer externally only) All additional processing turned off except Speaker Virtualizer for surround. Positive note on Speaker Virtualizer as it might be the reason why in 5.1 setup surround is more atmosperic as well but objects are more clearly positioned as well so like this feature. Saying that in the Stereo mode the soundstage is more open as well compared to Denon X3400.

Long story short couple of days ago sound appeared a little smoother (sibilance heard but more rounded and not harsh) but still a little more sibilance than I like. Activated again Tone control with Treble -2db. And things sounded better. Better then previous times I tested it. Then thought to try to activate Audessey again with full frequency correction using app, mind you with same calibration from the App that I did in the beginning. Now things sounded quite balanced, open, detailed, etc. After this decided AV7706 being a keeper. Was a surprise really as in the beginning Audessey did not sound so good at all. I was also convinced that I will not go back to full range Audessey calibration but AV7706 proved me wrong.
Some of fine tuning in App that I used to dial it in for me:
- Manual volume check with internal test tones. Previously used external Dolby Atmos Demo disc Test tones to balance volume but internal tones seem to give better balance. Might test it out with Audessey engaged as well later as previously it was off.
- Slight bass boost for Speakers (not using DEQ).
- From 4kHz to 20kHz -1db tilt changing Audessey standard Reference curve.
- All Audessey other options turned off

Putting it all together the overall sound now is well balanced and sounds really great in Stereo and Surround.
Source sibilance is still there of course but it is smoother and not harsh anymore. So happy for now ;-)
- Slight bass boost for Speakers (not using DEQ).
- From 4kHz to 20kHz -1db tilt changing Audessey standard Reference curve.
- All Audessey other options turned off
There's a reason most listeners preferred the Harman house curve. ;)
There's a reason most listeners preferred the Harman house curve. ;)
Sure but in current context with Denon I did not need that kind of tuning as in-room speaker response is already tilted without Audessey.
Hope it helps somebody making the switch in the future and getting similar results.
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