• WANTED: Happy members who like to discuss audio and other topics related to our interest. Desire to learn and share knowledge of science required. There are many reviews of audio hardware and expert members to help answer your questions. Click here to have your audio equipment measured for free!

Let's be a little nicer, especially to newcomers

I think a certain amount of off-topic and personal rants are to be expected *in context* where people with such marvelously divergent and oddball backgrounds feel the need to qualify their opinions thru the filter of their own personal perspective. I found out quickly that in no way can I explain my opinion, without stating the basis for it.

Not that I feel bad doing it; a little bit of attention-seeking, but really in a way to "know your neighbor", so to speak. Thinking about it, "live" stream events would be awesome, where people could brainstorm until the point they find common ground. Maybe the thing here is that people went from a multiplicity of opinions on the subject of audio, to suddenly "following the science" more rigorously to the point of group-thinking newbs off the island.

Most accustomed to car and political forums, I'm kinda excited about things so far here. LOTS of data verifies what I taught and believed myself through a rather poignant musical experience. Lots of real people turned to me with a "what do you think?" based off of a talent that I conjured up all by myself. The other part of the dataset here is purely educational for me, someone who is usually in attendance to teach, not to learn.

So, with real life, tech and a highly applicable H&SS background, I like the psy and perception part of the equation, and am 100% willing to be the go-between with noobs and veterans, I have been forged for it. I am also liking the run-on sentences, they feel more natural than truncated thoughts.
Health and safety services?
Humanities and social science?

Gotta ask!

Human & Simian Services... servicing all primates regardless of the profusion of ear hair. Shall we take a poll to see how many of us fall under this umbrella? ;)
Hello you all. While I consider our forum to be more friendly than many, it seems that we are quite harsh on new members who post things that go against our consensus view. There is no reason to pound on people hard when they say this and that sounds good to them. Let them have some time here to learn what we are about and what the data is.

By the same token, please dial down the complaining. :) Heaven knows every time I do a review, a good percentage is complaining about this and that. When a device performs extremely well, it is time to celebrate, not to think of half a dozen reasons why that is a bad thing. Dealing with all the negative commentary takes away some of the fun of reviewing such gear.

To be sure, you can correct people who try to prove science and engineering is wrong. Or issues you find in my testing or expressing a general opinion. Just be mindful of the negative consequences of it. I know I personally let go of many things that I don't agree with it.

I tell you these things because I see senior members wanting to have their account deleted at times due to the high tensions they see here on so many topics. Let's just be more relaxed about this. OK?
It is always better to be nice and fair and accepting.

One thing I have noticed about ASR members is the way they put themselves on a pedestal as somehow better than members of other forums because ASR respects the "science". In actuality, there is just as much confidently declared nonsense on this forum as any other one. (I know what is nonsense and what isn't :).) And "senior members" are no better in this regard. Every noob question gets many answers - all different, but issued with self-assumed expertise.

I like ASR for amirs Klippel measurements and his attitude about measurements and his useful explanations. The rest of the advice and opinions, no matter how forcefully and well-meant and honest, take with a grain of salt, but occasionally useful.

It is an internet forum. Anybody and everybody is an expert, if they think they are.
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ASR must have at least half a dozen members not to like any…
Kii ‘kicked me off’ when I started selling Dutch&Dutch, Bruno said I ‘was pleasant but lacked focus’ he was right.
You only like posters if you agree with them, presumably all the time?
Well, Amir only said we have to be nice to newcomers. So here we are.
Every noob question gets many answers - all different, but issued with self-assumed expertise.
Because not all questions have a single answer and/or because noob questions are anything but clear in general or it’s simply a subjective question. I don’t see a major problem here…
Because not all questions have a single answer and/or because noob questions are anything but clear in general or it’s simply a subjective question. I don’t see a major problem here…
Oh, and obviously sometimes, people are just wrong :) Carnage ensues:
Because not all questions have a single answer and/or because noob questions are anything but clear in general or it’s simply a subjective question. I don’t see a major problem here…
I sometimes think a new person asking a question gets so many and often conflicting answers it is bad. Almost always it is because the question lacked info or was unfocused. A common one asking a question with assumptions only specified after some unsought suggestions or not giving a budget.
I sometimes think a new person asking a question gets so many and often conflicting answers it is bad.
I would not call this “bad”. Usually it resolves itself in a dozen posts.
Almost always it is because the question lacked info or was unfocused. A common one asking a question with assumptions only specified after some unsought suggestions or not giving a budget.
We should give every new member a 101 on asking questions ;)

On the other hand “senior members” tend to be very eager to answer questions, even if information or context is lacking. A lot of assumptions are then made, some turn out to be incorrect. Where people could improve is first asking follow-up questions, or reflecting back in other words as confirmation before jumping to wrong conclusions. It would save quite a bit back and forth. I try to do this in general, but it doesn’t always work. Still, I think it is a more efficient way to come at decent answers.
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