I have several comments on your post.
1) This is the internet. You cannot control, filter or limit other people's comments. Believe me ... it's been tried. It doesn't work.
2) Because of #1, you have to develop a thick skin. My way of doing this is to simply ignore comments that are argumentative, negative or provocative. The maxim I follow is, "Just because a dog barks at you doesn't mean you need to bark back."
3) Building your own speakers is difficult, but
designing your own speakers is
extremely difficult. To ground yourself and get into the basics, start reading something like
The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, by Vance Dickason. (cheaper here:
https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?kn=the loudspeaker design cookbook&sts=t&cm_sp=SearchF-_-topnav-_-Results&ds=20)
4) When someone criticizes you by saying that such-and-such is beyond you, ask them how to learn the basics behind that, so it WON'T be beyond you.
5) If you get an answer to #4, you may ... just maybe ... realize that the posters that you thought were condescending weren't actually condescending at all. Maybe they were trying to guide you realistically, although a bit more realistically than you would have preferred. That doesn't mean that they were "berating" you.
6) And finally: Some things are hard to learn and take years to master. If designing speakers was easy, Danny could do it.
Don't get disheartened. Blowing up party balloons in a briar patch means you have to deal with a lot of little pricks.