We got one pair in and now they are back ordered. I really liked them and wanted to get more time with them as well as do some comparison with Genelec/Neumann. My initial impression was these are going to compete with the Ones from Genelec. The Ones are my favorite speakers to work with, so that says a lot.
I'd add that they seem to play louder than the 8331 so I'll be curious to see what the measurements show, as the active versions would likely have been my choice for my 5.1 system had they existed prior to me building it out with Genelec coaxial monitors.
Vs an 8341, the Kali SM5 seems like it would beat it SPL and price, and I didn't notice any audible issues with the SM5.
Someone else mentioned a center channel: the beauty of coaxial monitors like these are that they are all center channel speakers, and Atmos speakers, and surround speakers, and decent if you have to tilt them from the ceiling, and not terrible with reflections in any direction like any other speaker that isn't coaxial.
Ever since 2010 and the 8260 there has been no inherent drawback to coaxial monitors besides SPL. Ever since 2023 with the 8381 SPL is also not a concern as that speaker seems to beat the M2 by every metric.
You could argue wide dispersion is a disadvantage, but I don't think that is inherent to a coaxial driver per sey, as you can make things whatever shape is desired and limit excursion on a three way.
(I'm taking the photo, this is at the LP UNF release party in northern LA. They have an immersive room that my friend shown here and I spent a good bit of time in.)
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