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JDS Atom Amp 2 Headphone Amplifier Review

Rate this headphone amplifier:

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 15 5.0%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 282 93.1%

  • Total voters
To me, personally, pretty much anything that is under $2k is a throwaway if it fails and I shall not waste a lot of my time trying to get it fixed under warranty etc. And it is only in rare instances I spend time fixing stuff myself, and when I do so it is probably rather as a learning experience rather than really trying to fix something (but it's nice when the two coincide :-D).

Price is but part of the equation.

As you eluded to, what the customer is willing to do and has the capability of doing also play a significant part. For example very few people have soldering irons now days, and even fewer people have one's appropriate for working on ICs, not to mention all the other tools needed. Knowledge is also significant. This summer I came home and found my neighbor trying to replace the socket on her front walkway light post. She looked frazzled, and my wife asked me to walk over and see if she needed a hand. She had all the wires exposed, and hadn't switched the breaker off!

Size also plays a significant role. The atom 2 is I believe the exact same size as my first generation model, approximately ~38 in^3 in volume. The Yamaha mentioned above is ~2227 in^3 in volume. All that extra volume affords a lot more flexibility when it comes to design/construction/modularity ect, and has a direct relation to how fixable something is.
That's blatantly wrong and you know it.
You can't be serious. You are the one that is dead wrong on this. Sure, the few dinosaurs in audio are still providing service manuals but as a general rule, that is not at all the case anymore. Where do I get the manual for a PS Audio DAC? Schiit DAC? How about DEQX processors that are in your neck of the woods? What if you have a Cambridge Audio product? They have this to say: https://casupport.cambridgeaudio.co...re-can-I-find-a-service-manual-for-my-product

"We don't typically give out service manuals for current products, or products that are still on sale, as these contain detailed component listings and technical schematics which are still our intellectual property. This is standard procedure for most electronic manufactures."

I did find a handful online but the above policy makes it quite clear that you are wrong even in the case of western companies.

You are stuck in a time machine if you think people can run out and find service manuals for the gear they have.
Topping? They provide absolutely nothing. Their broken stuff goes in the trash.
So do a lot of Japanese gear that make no economic sense to get them repaired. My pioneer AVR had a known TI DSP part that went bad. They had no repair parts. All they could do was give a discount toward a new unit. Even if the part was available, you think they would swap out a surface mount DSP? Nope. They would charge you an arm and a leg for a board swap.

And can you communicate with the designer of that Yamaha amplifier? I can do that with Topping as have many members here. That company participates in this forum and adapts their products to what we like to see. I sent one of my AVR reviews to Pioneer and they did not even reply to my message let alone care.
While this reliability conversation is important it is definitely taking us off topic. Please let’s all get back on topic discussing the product reviewed and or the test results. Feel free to open a new “Consumer Audio Electronics Reliability” thread and you can drop a link to this new thread here. That will help you with continuing this reliability conversation in the appropriate location.

Please and thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
While this reliability conversation is important it is definitely taking us off topic. Please let’s all get back on topic discussing the product reviewed and or the test results.

Even if you try to keep the subject on topic (I did), people will have a mic-drop moment and drag it off topic. It's whack a mole. :)
Even if you try to keep the subject on topic (I did), people will have a mic-drop moment and drag it off topic. It's whack a mole. :)
Yeah it’s still my job to try. I personally shoot for keeping the first 20 pages of a Review on topic. After that it turns into free for all. It’s why Amir pays us so handsomely. ;)
I have no need for another amp, I want to buy one of these just to say "good job" lol.
Has anyone used this amp (I mean atom 2) as a preamp? Does it improve the sound or provide some sort of benefit when used in this manner? Or does it become just an aditional volume control?
Atom amp 2 or magni unity?
If you need the DAC module, the Magni Unity is cheaper than buying a DAC/amp stack (though it only has a USB input, if that matters). Otherwise, whichever one you think looks nicer on your desk.
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The Magni Unit dac is so outdated it feels like 2016.
If you need the DAC module, the Magni Unity is cheaper than buying a DAC/amp stack (though it only has a USB input, if that matters). Otherwise, whichever one you think looks nicer on your desk.
I find it hilarious that people are upset about lack of schematics and customer support for modestly priced niche audio products. When I buy something, I expect it to work, and last. That's it. If I have to worry about customer support, I would never buy the product. - With that said, I have Atom+ and L30II, and they're both great. If any one happens to break, and I can't fix it myself, I'll just purchase another.
I find it hilarious that people are upset about lack of schematics and customer support for modestly priced niche audio products. When I buy something, I expect it to work, and last. That's it. If I have to worry about customer support, I would never buy the product. - With that said, I have Atom+ and L30II, and they're both great. If any one happens to break, and I can't fix it myself, I'll just purchase another.
Why do u directly jump to the conclusion something is broken and needs a fix ?
And people are so poor they cannot afford to buy a new 100$ DAC so they will look to customer support for fixing their "broken and so expensive 100$ DACs and amps"

Sometime we need answers to questions like - why does this run so hot ? is there any issue if I use ASIO ?, how do I install this firmware which is optimized for RCA instead of balanced ? , does it pop when I switch it on ? When is the next V3 coming out ? should I wait till end of the month.. etc. Will it work with this version of Android/Apple etc.
JDS team will happily answer + explain in more details , share measurements with a nice friendly tone.

You are so proud that u are so rich that you can simply buy another 100$ amp, good for you.
But sometimes we just need a friendly customer support to answer questions, share some specs, talk about next version etc.
Yeah it’s still my job to try. I personally shoot for keeping the first 20 pages of a Review on topic. After that it turns into free for all. It’s why Amir pays us so handsomely. ;)
Ah, the end of another hard days moderating.

And people are so poor they cannot afford to buy a new 100$ DAC so they will look to customer support for fixing their "broken and so expensive 100$ DACs and amps"
if it's out side of the warranty period, it will cost you more to pay to ship it and pay to have it fixed than it will to just buy a new one!

Sometime we need answers to questions like - why does this run so hot ? is there any issue if I use ASIO ?, how do I install this firmware which is optimized for RCA instead of balanced ? , does it pop when I switch it on ?
and most of the companies have ways of getting those questions answered. The company that was maligned about a few weeks back provided 2 email addresses and a phone number.:eek:

When is the next V3 coming out ? should I wait till end of the month.. etc.

A lot of places would consider that internal only sales and marketing information

Will it work with this version of Android/Apple etc.
And this is a good example why almost all companies don't want to deal with random consumer questions anymore. For example when it comes to BT support It doesn't matter what os version a devise is running. what matters is what the IC inside the devise supports.
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