Executive Summary:
Today the replacement cap arrived, I desoldered the old one and..........
I'm proud to confirm that I have SUCCESSFULLY done my first ever electronics repair!
(Well, not the first in general, but definitely the first ever "Smart" repair, where the cause was not obvious to the naked eye and that could only be done after analysis from knowledgeable people!)

Longer Version:
I've got 5pcs of new Nichicon 0.022uf, out of curiocity measured them all, they were 19.3, 19.5, 19.5, 19.6, 20.0nF which is at room temperature 10% lower than nominal.
I know they will increase capacity at highter temp, so when warmer they will be much closer to nominal maybe within 5% or less. So, de facto they are much more precise than allowed tolerance of 20%.
I cleaned the back of the board with IPA, desoldered and measured the old guy, and it was just 4.5nF, less than a quarter of nominal - "absent" as someone here said.
I didn't remove the board but have checked the visible are for possible cracks, all didn't see anything else suspicious.
I soldered the new cap, and connected the power and voila!
It knew that L/R imbalance of the DC offset would not change (because it is likely caused by the issues in one specific channel, and not by the power that is shared for both).
I checked it anyways, on the cold amp it is R:17mA / L:73mA (and slowly creeping up), so, essencially will be the same as before.
@Doodski @Zapper @Dimitri @Glint your opinions were absolutely right about the main suspect C254.
Tagging you FYI, of course you knew that from the beginning
Thanks to you and to all ASR people for your support!
@Doodski @Zapper Give me a couple of days to enjoy and harvest the results of this success before I break the amp forever in the next risky vernure of modding it for bias adjustment