
  1. H

    Can my Yamaha A2A drive a 5.1.2 Kef Q meta series setup ?

    Hi all I am currently running a 3.1 setup Yamaha A2A set to 8 ohm speakers set to small and crossover at 80hz L/R front: KEF Q7 meta (4 ohm) Center: Klipsch rp404c ii (8 ohm) Sub: KEF KC62 Room size is 20m2 (200 square feet if i am correct) I would like to add 2 KEF Q8 meta as surround...
  2. D

    Connection subwoofer KRK S8,4 to Yamaha RX-V483

    Hello everyone, just wanted to ask, maybe someone know how to connect subwoofer KRK S8,4 to Yamaha RX V-483? What cable I should use? I will attach pictures with back panels.
  3. S

    SOLD: Yamaha RX-A6A AVENTAGE 9.2-Channel AV Receiver: SOLD

    $1100 shipped within the contiguous US. I am selling my Yamaha RX-A6A receiver due to downsizing my HT setup. It has always been overkill for my needs. It has been in a well-ventilated area for the past 3 years and has been well-cared for. Condition is excellent. Please let me know if you have...
  4. B

    Bypassing Yamaha Internal DAC

    Dear members, My current setup is an Yamaha RN-602 amplifier paired with Q Acoustics 3050i speakers. Amp has inbuild streamer ( mainly used for DLNA playback and Tidal streaming). I have connected my CD player via Coaxial and TV via Optical cables. Unfortunately, this amp does not have a...
  5. K

    Yamaha a-s801 & Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 or 12.1 - Karaoke Drum Clone Hero~

    Hi everyone, I am looking at adding a speaker setup to my Clone Hero setup. *Clone Hero is a Guitar Hero clone that lets you play e-drums & plastic controller guitars to music... (for those who don't know) I currently have: Roland TD-07KV Electronic Drums connected directly to a Roland PM-200...
  6. U

    HouseCurve iOS app with GEQ?

    Complete noob here. I don't yet have a DSP but figured I would toy with the HouseCurve app in the interim. My Yamaha RX-v383 is a little baby and only allows me YPAO PEQ or REQ adjustments at set frequency intervals between 63hz and 16khz Was curious if I could somehow translate from the PEQ...
  7. C

    [FIXED] Yamaha A-S700 intermittent power-on failure (and eventually full failure)

    [ SOLVED ] Yamaha A-S700 intermittent power-on failure. Updated as of 16 March 2024 Please help in repairing my Yamaha A-S700 Over recent time my A-S700 has developed an intermittent fault (and today eventually failed completely). It started a week ago, it would not switch on. I tried on/off...
  8. A

    Dilemma: Current Pioneer SA5300 or Sansui AU-101

    And the craze of market and emotional value. For my first set I have a new wxa50 amp and Wharfedale Evo 4.2 loudspeakers. For my second in the bedroom I got a pair of Denton 85th anniversary loudspeakers and equally beautiful looking Pioneer SA5300 in great condition and recapped. The reason I...
  9. lerp

    Wiim Pro Plus + Fosi V3/BT20a Pro OR Yamaha R-N303?

    Hello everyone! I just picked up a pair of Definitive Technology BP-9020 speakers for a killer deal and am trying to decide which route to go with regards to amplification/interface. Budget is around the $300-350 USD range. I was planning on going with the Yamaha R-N303, but am wondering if...
  10. N

    What to get instead of Yamaha R-N2000A?

    Hello All, I am in the quest of audio equipments. I am new to this and I have been reading this forum and all the youtube influencers for the past month. My head about to explode from all the reviews I've seen. Anyways, my action plan began and I bought a Technics SL-1500C and now I am...
  11. K

    Help: Yamaha CRX-E150 - Language Changed to Japanese from English

    Hi all, This is my first post. I have a stereo audio receiver(Yamaha CRX-E150). Earlier it used to be displayed in English. But now, it changed to Japanese. I want to change the display language back to English. Can anyone help with this? Happy to give if further input needed
  12. K

    Skw rca cables terrible sound?!

    I just switched my rca cables from innakusttik star stereo to locking skw cables and the sound became more controled but the highs are gone and the air everything sounds sort of muffled. Hard to describe. Do they need break in time or are they shite? The setup is r26dac-skw-yamaha cx2- skw-...
  13. Jazz

    Yamaha’s supply chain is back to normal now

    I spoke to a senior Yamaha USA tech today and he said all the products that had stalled out due to supply chain issues are again being made and stock is good in the USA. MusicCast stuff comes to mind.
  14. D

    Why does my Yamaha setup sound better than the Luxman 595?

    I have the Luxman 595 class A amp. I also have the Yamaha r-n2000a used as a preamp to the Yamaha AS-3200. Ether system will use the same Sonus Faber Lumina II speakers. These speakers could be considered on the bright side. I don't know why, but the Yamaha setup (preamp and amp) sounds a bit...
  15. D

    Yamaha r-n2000a loudness adjustment - does it adjust the mids?

    I own the Yamaha r-n2000a which has a loudness adjustment. It sounds like it adjusts the mid frequency to my ears, but I can not tell for sure. Is there a way to look at the specs to find out what exactly the loudness adjustment knob changes?
  16. Y

    Experienced Eagle Software operator needed to create Gerber Files

    I have a constant need to reproduce circuit boards, some are 1 for 1 replacements and some need modifications. Attached is an example of what I can provide for someone to work from:
  17. K

    Yamaha MX-2 terminal change

    Is there a way to change the binding posts on my Yamaha mx2 to accept banana plugs or spades instead of bare wire?
  18. T

    Recomendation of stereo amplifier for JBL E90

    Hello from Lithuania! Im stuck on choosing new stereo amplifier for my JBL E90 towers, specs in link https://www.hifiengine.com/manual_library/jbl/e90.shtml Im considering Denon DRA-800H or Yamaha R-N803. Im more like into bass and hip hop/rap music. At this moment I have old yamaha rxv450, but...
  19. Thunder

    Best budget studio monitors?

    Budget $200 for each Some examples: KRK Rokit RP5 G4 Yamaha HS 5 Adam T5V
  20. S

    Rokit vs Yamahas vs LP-6 to use with a TV in untreated living room?

    I'm fairly set on using studio monitors for my tv+ listening to music in the living room. Been considering the rokit rp7 , yamahas hs7 and the kali audio lp-6 ; mainly because they all come in white lol. I know they are all near field monitors, but which ones do you think would work best in...
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