My take on the product/review (not read other comments - saying this in case someone thinks I'm replying to someone above) take is that I'm surprised to see quite a bit of lack of bass given it's a 5" woofer, I would have expected more, like from the JBL 305p Mkii as just one example, although I'll temper that by saying that the Elac has a very smooth/slower roll off in the bass that might work well with room bass reinforcement....but I'm still surprised by the lower amount of bass. I think the large dip at 1800Hz is quite a large compromise to make, I wouldn't like to see that in my speaker. What is interesting though is the wide 70 degree dispersion in the horizontal directivity! I was expecting this speaker to get a fair panning (negative review) when I saw the spinorama, but I would wager the wide directivity saved this speaker when it came to Amir's listening impressions. I mean, how many speakers have we seen with a wide 70 degree horizontal dispersion? Normally we have around 60 degree horizontal dispersion as pretty much best case right? So maybe the extra 10 degrees of horizontal dispersion is really what is making this speaker a pleasure to listen to???