Just picked up a pair for my home office. I use Adam T5V at my work office, where I have significantly more space. I needed something small, didn’t want to deal with the fiasco of my AudioEngine experience, so took a chance with the Edifier after seeing this review.
I was surprised that Edifier classifies these as bookshelf speakers, not computer speakers, on their website. I would not use these as studio monitors or as bookshelf speakers. You are not going to play these loud, but in the 85 db range, they are great for vocals (e.g. Zoom meetings, YouTube videos) and for playing music while I work. For this purpose, they are exactly what I needed - decent quality speakers at a relatively low price.
I rated them as “fine” without thinking about price or value, but based purely on my need for a very small pair of powered speakers.

This rating may change as the included speaker wire hasn’t broken in for the required 200 listening hours yet - that attaches the right speaker to the left. I expect the harshness to be mitigated a bit with significantly more detail and fluidity in the midrange and more attack in the low end, as soon as the break in period is over.