I had different audio interfaces from behringer, and now I have behringer umc 404hd and the same problem. I thought maybe it was a defect from the behringer interfaces themselves, but I decided to check with the focusrite interface and still the same thing.
That being said, a typical Focusrite should go a lot louder absolutely speaking, generally +15.5 dBu maximum for a Scarlett (2nd gen: 2i2 up, 3rd/4th gen: Solo and up). Those little Behringers have very wimpy output levels of around 0 dBu maximum (i.e. around -14 dBu nominal). This is about what you expect when your analog stage runs on +5 V and the output is impedance-balanced only - a design that feels increasingly anachronistic in this day and age. There's actually onboard outputs, DAPs and dongle DACs out there with higher output levels than this, and I have gotten +9.5 dBu out of a cheaper Swissonic UA-2x2 as well. (Yes, you heard that right, they're potentially a downgrade from onboard audio.)
I would recommend the following cabling options:
Behringer UM2 / UMC22 / UMCxxxHD - TS to RCA unbalanced (headphone can go a bit louder if you insist)
Typical Focusrite Scarlett - TRS to TRS balanced (
not instrument cable = TS to TS unbalanced)
Older / lesser Scarletts with RCA outputs only - RCA to RCA unbalanced
If you absolutely insist on getting unbalanced output out of a Scarlett with TRS jacks, either use the headphone out or employ
two 1x TRS --> 2x RCA splitter cables (with just the left RCA being used for each), one for each of the rear output channels.
And now in the same apartment in the same computer with the same audio interface, in short, all the same I had mackie crx-4bt there were no problems at all and even the small presonus eris e3.5 were louder
So you already have the front volume cranked to maximum and it's still too quiet?
It can't be
too hard to drive MR4s to their limits as people have written about them "falling apart" when pushed. So I reckon this must be well within the capabilities of typical 2 Vrms (+8.2 dBu) unbalanced outputs. The equivalent of those on the balanced side would be about +20.5 dBu. About the only inexpensive audio interface that can reach that is the Tascam UA-2x2HR (with +20 dBu max). So I won't be the least bit surprised if these wimpy little Behringers end up being a bit on the quiet side when using the TRS jacks, and would avoid this combo.