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Beta-test: DeltaWave Null Comparison software


I've strange thing in 1.0.24 :

100% bit perfect between original and a good recorded file with a virtual driver. But the phase graph isn't perfect : phases differences...

Pkane, Can you check, try the 2 files :


and compare them with 5s / 5s, start/end trim

you should have 100% bit perfect : but phase graphical is buggy.
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I've strange thing in 1.0.24 :

100% bit perfect between original and a good recorded file with a virtual driver. But the phase graph isn't perfect : phases differences...

Pkane, Can you check, try the 2 files :


and compare them with 5s / 5s, start/end trim

you should have 100% bit perfect : but phase graphical is buggy.

Yes, you're right. Bit perfect phase should look perfectly straight and horizontal. If you unwrap the phase with your two files, it is straight but with a slope. That shouldn't happen, so something in the phase plot calculation is broken. I'll take a look.

thanks, because with previous version, phase was ok.

Your software is great : i check all my drivers/ software /OS ..... great great
Yes, you're right. Bit perfect phase should look perfectly straight and horizontal. If you unwrap the phase with your two files, it is straight but with a slope. That shouldn't happen, so something in the phase plot calculation is broken. I'll take a look.

View attachment 24853

Turns out this is a side-effect of not removing the extra samples that are in one of the waveforms but not in the other. In 1.0.24, I eliminated the logic that automatically trimmed the waveforms at the beginning and end if they were very different. I'll put some of that logic back in, in the next update and that should fix this problem.

Thanks. :)

Waiting this fix, it is possible to download again 1.0.23 ?, previous version
New version of DeltaWave has just been posted. This version includes the following new features and bug fixes:

Changes in 1.0.25b
  • Added error % distribution chart
  • Added gain error over time chart
  • Improved sub-sample offset calculation to reduce residual drift error
  • Added tab selection menu item
  • Added option to apply filters before or after alignment calculations
  • Changed clock drift error raw plot to show the actual error instead of linear interpolation
  • Changed sample trimming to remove any data from time that doesn’t have corresponding data in the other waveform.

Error distribution chart shows the number of samples (in percent) that are at that error value. Horizontal axis is the amplitude of the error, the vertical is the % of total samples at that error value:

Clock drift plot now shows the actual measured raw error rather than the linear interpolation:

Gain error plot shows the average residual amplitude error at a number of points over the duration of the track to help pinpoint where there are large errors in alignment:

As always, all comments, suggestions and bug reports are more than welcome!
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Perfect. Phase work again :)

i will test/play it with all the night :) (I use it on my mac OSX, with Windows in parallell Desktop)

the software should be commercial, it's very a great audio tool :)

Thanks :)

Olivier F.
HI Paul,

Can you take a look on Trim front, feature :

with this files :


Seems to have still a bug with Front trim, perhaps i'm doing something wrong :

The 2 files with 1s trim front :

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 08.53.38.png

The same files, with 2s of TRIM front, no more bit perfect .... :

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 08.55.15.png

Why ?
HI Paul,

Can you take a look on Trim front, feature :

with this files :


Seems to have still a bug with Front trim, perhaps i'm doing something wrong :

The 2 files with 1s trim front :

View attachment 24934

The same files, with 2s of TRIM front, no more bit perfect .... :

View attachment 24935

Why ?

Check the delta waveform to see where there are differences in the two waveforms. For example, in the two files you uploaded last time, here's what I see:


It's telling me that you need to trim at least 4-5 seconds from the front of the file to eliminate the bit-errors there:
thanks, but the example was not with those first files

but try with those specific files, it work with 0/0 no trim, or 1start/5end seconds and not with 5start/5end seconds, : Strange ?


With 0s start, perfect :

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 14.13.18.png

With 1s, start , always perfect :

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 14.14.49.png

But with 2s, no more good , i don't understand why :

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 14.15.27.png
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thanks, but the example was not with those first files

but try with those specific files, it work with 0/0 no trim, or 1start/5end seconds and not with 5start/5end seconds, : Strange ?


With 0s start, perfect :

View attachment 24941

With 1s, start , always perfect :

View attachment 24942
But with 2s, no more good , i don't understand why :

View attachment 24943

You are running into an issue of there being multiple places where the waveform phase can be perfectly matched. As you can see, in the second case where the result was not bit-perfect, the correlated null is nearly 300dB, meaning phase is perfectly aligned... but that's at a different track position than the correct alignment in the first case, and while phase is matched perfectly, amplitude is not.

In the first case, the offset is -45177 samples. In the second, it's 43023. It appears to be exactly a two seconds interval (45177+43023=88200). Phase is nearly perfectly aligned once every second, so DeltaWave has to pick one of the alignment points but can't distinguish between them based on phase.

That does give me an idea I can try that may help handle this particular case. The error in this case is caused by the repeating frequency pattern in a generated sweep waveform, resulting in multiple equivalent phase matching points.
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Thanks Paul :), i understand that is was the case of a repeated multitone, and difficult to adjust in the same second.

Another little bug case, with correction phase drift enable/disable, with specific multitone repeating frequency with some space without audio :

Specific files to reproduce the behaviour (1.0.25):

See : first case : same file : not bit perfect with correct phase drigt

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 16.16.16.png

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 16.16.02.png

Second case : ok with correct phase drift disable

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 16.16.35.png

Capture d’écran 2019-04-15 à 16.17.18.png

Thanks Paul :), i understand that is was the case of a repeated multitone, and difficult to adjust in the same second.

Another little bug case, with correction phase drift enable/disable, with specific multitone repeating frequency with some space without audio :

Specific files to reproduce the behaviour (1.0.25):

See : first case : same file : not bit perfect with correct phase drigt

View attachment 24950

View attachment 24951

Second case : ok with correct phase drift disable

View attachment 24952

View attachment 24953

That's the same issue. When drift correction is turned on, DeltaWave does multiple cross-correlation attempts throughout the track to determine drift. If there is more than one possible position where these matches occur, DW will not have a way to pick the correct alignment point at each location.

Thanks Paul :), i understand that is was the case of a repeated multitone, and difficult to adjust in the same second.

Another little bug case, with correction phase drift enable/disable, with specific multitone repeating frequency with some space without audio :

Specific files to reproduce the behaviour (1.0.25):

See : first case : same file : not bit perfect with correct phase drigt

View attachment 24950

View attachment 24951

Second case : ok with correct phase drift disable

View attachment 24952

View attachment 24953

By the way, part of the issue appears the misalignment right at the start of the waveforms:


Once you trim the 1.5 seconds or so from the front of the white waveform that produces the large mismatch, you'll find that any amount you trim from both of them will match up perfectly. This initial mismatch between the two waveforms is what's causing most of the problems. For example:

Small bug reported by a local user :
An error message ("visual styles missing") pops up at program start when windows desktop is running "classic mode", e.g. not theme-based.
EDIT: OS is Win7 Prof, and I could replicate the effect on Win7 Home Premium

Program seems to run fine, though.

... still testing your excellent SW as time allows...
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Small bug reported by a local user :
An error message ("visual styles missing") pops up at program start when windows desktop is running "classic mode", e.g. not theme-based.
EDIT: OS is Win7 Prof, and I could replicate the effect on Win7 Home Premium

Program seems to run fine, though.

... still testing your excellent SW as time allows...

Thanks for the report! I stopped using Windows 7 almost a year ago, but I'll go back and check. This is probably related to some of the changes I made to make DW display properly on Windows 10.
DeltaWave 1.0.26b is now available for download

Changes in 1.0.26b
  • Changed silence trim function to also auto-trim mismatched parts of the waveforms front and back (up to 5 secs each)
  • Added Correlated Null chart showing average Correlated Null over time
  • Improved precision of offset and drift calculations
  • Changed the gain difference calculation to improve performance with narrow filters
  • Improved match performance with less than 10 seconds of waveform data
  • Added more decimal places to the display in the Manual Adjustments results table
Please report any issues/problems. The beta test is completing soon, at which point the updates and new versions will become more of a regular, scheduled activity.
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