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Any good active speakers that play LOUD?

Dec 20, 2022
Hopefully I don't get roasted for this one...

I currently have a pair of Klipsch Forte III's that have served well for my purposes. After some comments to a post I made recently, I'm considering upgrading them, specifically with active speakers - if I can find a pair that fit my needs. I have fairly particular listening habits that occasionally involve very high output levels (please see below).** My first pair of speakers were LS50's (rated at 106 dB). They sounded incredible (much better than the Fortes), but they were categorically not loud enough (I fed them 300W from a Peachtree Nova and blew out both drivers - it was a learning experience). I like the idea of the new LS60 wireless, but with a rating of 111 dB I don't know if that will be enough of an improvement. Are there other actives I should consider?

FWIW, I will be adding two Rythmik F12's soon, and high pass the mains.

Backup question: if there aren't actives that fit the bill, what passives might be a good choice? I'm tempted to splurge on a pair of used Reference 5's (non-Meta; 116 dB I think) which would hopefully be the last speaker upgrade I make for a long time. Obviously, I would be absolutely certain to not make the same mistake I did with the LS50's.

**So as not to be mistaken for a college kid throwing parties, I should elaborate... I generally lie on the floor or couch, eyes closed, with the music loud enough to nearly block all other sensory perception. It's a stimming thing and it helps me stay grounded and present. SQ is important, and minimizing distortion is critical as it's a distraction that takes me out of the moment. I don't know what the dB actually are when I listen, but 'EDM concert level' sounds about right (it usually ramps up over the session, and I'm guessing it peaks a little over 100 dB? I really don't know). Most would probably consider the volume either uncomfortable or simply obnoxious. I limit sessions to 20-30 minutes for a couple of obvious reasons.

Idk. Maybe this is a situation where horn-loaded Klipsch speakers are the best choice.
Genelec 8361


Peak SPL
≥124 dB
Short term max SPL
≥118 dB
Long term max SPL
≥109 dB

Neumann KH420
The M2 suggestion is a good one, but the speakers require noisy fan cooled amps or heroic measures. They are also fairly large.

My HT will easily do what you want with your added subs. Meyer Sound Ultra-X20 are quite compact and in a residential setting have unlimited output capability.
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Genelec 8361


Peak SPL
≥124 dB
Short term max SPL
≥118 dB
Long term max SPL
≥109 dB

Neumann KH420
I didn't realize monitors that small could play that loud
I have a pair of LS60's and a KC62 on order. My concern was similar, I listen at 70-80 dB, 90 at party level with my Q950's and they certainly fill my medium-large room. In fact I have had noise complaints from my neighbours at anything louder. I have spoken with some reviewers of the LS60's who claim I should have no issues. I'll try to remember to post my thoughts once the new set up arrives.
If you're looking to go deaf sooner I would go with this Adam

Or these Genelec. Note these are measured at peak 124db @ 2 meters most are measured at 1 meter.
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I have a pair of LS60's and a KC62 on order. My concern was similar, I listen at 70-80 dB, 90 at party level with my Q950's and they certainly fill my medium-large room. In fact I have had noise complaints from my neighbours at anything louder. I have spoken with some reviewers of the LS60's who claim I should have no issues. I'll try to remember to post my thoughts once the new set up arrives.
Thanks! I would very much like to know how they work out for you
Adam S3V or S3H also would be fine. Never had an issue with the S3V.
maxresdefault (16).jpg

Also Trio 11
Thank you all for the suggestions! I didn't realize there was that much demand for volume and SQ. Probably should have mentioned my ideal budget is <$12k (including the used market), but still a lot of suggestions that fit that bill. This forum delivers like no other; wish I'd found it sooner.
If it weren't for my installation that's what I would be listening to right now.
I have listen to them in a large room and they were thunderous.
With the couple of subs you can demolish things with quality.
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