You don't need to spend that much in cash or real estate.Hi
the OP mentioned EDM Concert Level... I'd guess 110 dB at the listening postion? Full range ... That wouldn't be Genelec 8361 territory but 1238 or 1236. He would need speakers capable of 120 dB + at 1 meter.. That is not something one gets with simply crossing over to a pair of Rythmik Home subwoofers and calling it a day.
I would suggest and there, the budget is at least 5 times the Kef LS60...
- JBL M2 with a pair of JBL SUB 18... put the Crown amplifers in a cabinet, in most cases the fan would not be running. When they would the general SPL would mask them.
- Genelec 1238 or 1236A.. again, serious budget.
No! the Kii3 + BXT can't touch these. Nor would most any home or studio-centric speaker systems, The Rythmik subwoofers would not cut it either.. Think pair of JTR Captivator or Danley DTS-10 subwoofers . then you are talking that kind of language... for "EDM-converts levels".. and mains capable of keeping up with these subwoofers.. that wouldn't be the 8361 or similar...
my $0.02.
Happy holidays
For kicks I queued up SHOUSE Love Tonight and was able to get a "comfortable" 105 dBC (slow meter) with my admittedly under sized subs. The room was pressurized and the Meyer Sound Ultra-X20s had headroom for days. Personally I could only enjoy this for a few minutes, but if this is what the OP is into...
I don't know what the Rhythmic subs the OP is considering are capable of, but I concur the subs will need serious capabilities as well as the mains.