Deleted member 71304
cheersGaN doesn't do anything for audio quality or performance. Its benefits are about size and power losses in the PSU itself.
cheersGaN doesn't do anything for audio quality or performance. Its benefits are about size and power losses in the PSU itself.
So the A70 can output 2x180 Watts at 4 Ohms on both channels, in a short peak? I think it is capable of 2x125 Watts at least under 1 percent distortion. I'm sorry that it wasn't measured on Amirm's machine...The 5A is the same, but with two channels of simultaneous output and a maximum power of 180 W x 2. The inductor is of excellent quality and does not need to be replaced.
You’re assuming that the 5A rating of the power supply is a hard and fast ceiling. Perhaps it can provide short bursts above that.The maximum wattage an amp can deliver will be determined by the power supply -- 5 amps X 48 volts = 240 watts, but also keep in mind that nothing runs at 100% efficiency, so even though class D amps are quite efficient, there is still going to be some loss. One also has the factor that with stereo music, the power demands of the left and right channels are not an exact match, though it is likely both a significant peak will have elements present in both channels. If you want the maximum output of the A70, particularly with lower impedence speakers, you'll want the 10 amp / 48 volt supply versus the 5 amp one. (All that said, I've been very pleased with my A70 and the 5 amp supply, but then I'm not a head-banger.)
Aiyima is announcing today an A70 mono.Hello! Please tell me, the a70 can work in mono mode (like the fosi za3). That is, if I use 2 pieces of a70- one a70 for each of my speakers, then the power output from each a70 for each column will be higher? Thanks)
Yes, one that will win the record for the most knobs and switches on a "monoblock" ever...Aiyima is announcing today an A70 mono.
No problem with the sub out filter, the main concern people have is that it doesn't have a high-pass filter for the main speakers when connecting a sub.nice amp, looks like a option for me.
i dont see the problem with the sub out filter range as all subs have a own filter.
600hz max is a lot of course, but i could see some sense in setting it higher then the filter in your amp to that degree that i dont interfere with it.
i see, wasnt aware of that.No problem with the sub out filter, the main concern people have is that it doesn't have a high-pass filter for the main speakers when connecting a sub.
also tempted, while i dont think we need to hurry, good offers on Ali come every few days.Psst: on sale now on Ali Express. $139 shipped w/ 5A power supply. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007083566848.html
(also $30 off $239 coupon available)
I'm tempted to pull the trigger on this with a couple of other audio products that I might "need" sometime down the road to get the $30 off...
I got the Aiyima A70 yesterday, and compared it to my Topping PA3s.Thank you very much for your help. So it's decided, I'll buy aiyima a70