Ok, I think I understand why 2 sub-knobs. They intend for people to use this in home theater. Passive sub isn't popular everywhere, but maybe there's more of a market in China for it.
I distinctly remember you guys complaining about the Tone-Knobs on Fosi's TB10. Then they were praised on the BT20 because they were defeatable. And now you guys HATE not having them again after they're not on the A70. It's pretty clear you guys don't even know what you want, LOL.
I wouldn't mind a highpass filter knob to cut out the bottom frequencies for the mains though. This would obviate the need for adding crossover in the majority of cases.
Right now I just use DSP to blend the sub. I've never found a sub that behaves in-room. It doesn't matter what their anechoic measurements are, without DSP in room subs are all over the place.