@KSTR Gamble because driver specified DSP in amp?
Ehm, no. What I meant to say is:
- when you coat the woofer it's different woofer now and will behave differently in number of ways.
- you can measure frequency response (of the raw woofer) before and after coating, and there likely will be a difference. This difference can be eliminated by changing the electronics (which are all analog, in the F5). After that you have a speaker that is nominally identical and will sound extremely similar if not identical.
- Nonetheless, the "fine print" in the sound may be slightly different, properties like perceived resolution and detail but also measured things like off-axis response. The point is, it is not clear, and not easy to predict, if the change will result in better sound quality or not, or even stayed the same. That's why I wrote it's a gamble.
Today, I listened to Adam F5, everything OK but not tight Bass
There is a small switch on the back panel which engages an 80Hz HighPass Filter, to be used in conjunction with a subwoofer, did you note that switch?
If that was set accidently to the 80Hz position (vs. "Fullrange") then bass is weak on purpose.
How active speaker give same SQ if class A/B heats up air around driver?
How active speaker metal back cabinet resonance affect.
How active speaker like KEF LS50 W, Audio engine, edifier can claim audiophile quality when Left houses amp section in same lite cabinet and other is free?
Generally speaking, I would say:
1) Not a big problem. It does change the driver parameters a bit but it just is an insignificant part compared to the voice coil itself heating up. In real long term use with very high levels in a generally warm/hot environment, external amplifiers might help a little to increase the allowable heat dissipation in the voice coil.
2) If the electronics are mounted in a clever way it makes the back plate much more rigid, so again not a real problem.
3) The volume taken by the electronics usually isn't that large that it makes a real difference. And when there is a significant difference, I would think the better products will have the needed compensation in their electronics. Of course, when not measuring both speakers we just don't know if there is more difference than than normal item-to-item difference (plus measurement uncertainity).