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[AboutAudio] New Class D Amplifier 100% made in Italy


Major Contributor
May 2, 2020
France (Lyon)
Hi amigos,

Just to share, got the new prototype Amplifier from "AboutAudio" which is a new Italian brand.
Here some pictures of the new Class D I got. Module + PSU

You can't find any information about the firm, the site is still in progress but all is 100% made in Italy.

The module and the PSU are mounted into a GX288 alu case. Seems to use a IRS2092 chip with a good implementation.
The amplifier is really Powerful, 700W / 4R and 350W / 8R and 1400W Bridged.
Sounds really good out of the box... to follow )

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Hello you are always in constant evolution
Very interesting for those living in Italy, it looks like the ZeroZone IRS 2092 very well reviewed on TNT, let us know how it sounds.
Sounds really good out of the box...
No doubt.;)

Any AP captures in their datasheet? If this happens to be 120V compatible, any plan to send it to Amir for proper evaluation?
That is some of the worst soldering I have seen in ages, including my own! It's a generic IRS2092 design on a poorly soldered board in a badly machined case. Why do you keep buying and posting these things @daniboun?
That is some of the worst soldering I have seen in ages, including my own! It's a generic IRS2092 design on a poorly soldered board in a badly machined case. Why do you keep buying and posting these things @daniboun?

I didn't buy it, it's a loan ...
I do not share your point of view, I have several IRS2092 modules incuding the Zero Zone, Womdon, Audiophonics. This one is sounds better that the other I've tested.

I wish I could live in the USA to ship all my modules to Amir but from France, no way )

"These things as you say"... are : Purifi / DrMordor modules / jlester modules / Hypex Ncore modules / Poppulse / 3E Audio / Allo / Zero Zone / Sabaj etc etc... fortunately there are active people like me to share information and photos precisely to avoid possible errors.
You should temper your words
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I didn't buy it, it's a loan ...
I do not share your point of view, I have several IRS2092 modules incuding the Zero Zone, Womdon, Audiophonics. This one is sounds better that the other I've tested.

I wish I could live in the USA to ship all my modules to Amir but from France, no way )

"These things as you say"... are : Purifi / DrMordor modules / jlester modules / Hypex Ncore modules / Poppulse / 3E Audio / Allo / Zero Zone / Sabaj etc etc... fortunately there are active people like me to share information and photos precisely to avoid possible errors.
You should temper your words

I wonder why you think the readership of this site are interested in your subjective impressions of how an amp sounds ?
Input on the front?
Power-con plug ( nice) but the old type?!
Banana terminals?! use speak-on.
If you don't like criticism, don't promote situations that merit it.

it is not a review here... I am just sharing some pictures )
if i didn't like the criticism i would stop posting ... but did you read what was said? I do not have the impression in this case)

Input on the front?
Power-con plug ( nice) but the old type?!
Banana terminals?! use speak-on.

the inputs in front are conditioned by the fact that the cables which were given to me did not allow to put the two Modules (PSU + Audio Module) side by side and the mini board for the XLR inputs is a proprietary card that I could not mount otherwise.
For the rest, attention has not been given to the design, but it is a fairly "crude" prototype just to test the module and the PSU.
I wonder why you think the readership of this site are interested in your subjective impressions of how an amp sounds ?

Do you know how we know someone is interested in what we share? This is a question that is often asked in professional interviews)
...I have several IRS2092 modules incuding the Zero Zone, Womdon, Audiophonics. This one is sounds better that the other I've tested....
Great, can you level match them and do a blind test perhaps?
That is some of the worst soldering I have seen in ages, including my own! It's a generic IRS2092 design on a poorly soldered board in a badly machined case. Why do you keep buying and posting these things
Why so Salty?
For a Prototype the soldering is totally fine.

And even a "generic" IRS2092 design can be implemented good or bad.

So now show of your amplifier ;)
Why so Salty?
For a Prototype the soldering is totally fine.

And even a "generic" IRS2092 design can be implemented good or bad.

So now show of your amplifier ;)
Well since you ask, mine uses modules and a small custom board and looks like this: https://audiosciencereview.com/foru...-power-amp-with-microprocessor-control.25851/

I don't intend to be salty, I'm just genuinely curious what the point is of these very generic builds with no obvious points of merit and weirdness like the 'floating heatsinks' of the min-GaN or the highly implausible continuous power specs of this one. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, don't they?
"These things as you say"... are : Purifi / DrMordor modules / jlester modules / Hypex Ncore modules / Poppulse / 3E Audio / Allo / Zero Zone / Sabaj etc etc... fortunately there are active people like me to share information and photos precisely to avoid possible errors.
On that we agree.:)
This one is sounds better that the other I've tested.
On this we don't. Last time you shared subjective listening impressions, the amp in question measured quite poorly.
IRS2092 typical design has an LC filter out of the feedback loop so it will suffer from all the speaker impedance related FR modulations that we know from TPA32XX series. Not a SOTA circuit.

Well since you ask, mine uses modules and a small custom board and looks like this
Cool thanks for sharing!

I don't intend to be salty, I'm just genuinely curious what the point is of these very generic builds with no obvious points of merit
Well some just like to show of there work or work they like.
A new IRS20921 amp with all custom PCBs is for me more interesting then some modules in a case µC turning them on and off.
But i actually don't want to talk bad of your amplifier at all. its cool stuff. always welcome (to me) if someone shares something they made!

Some design decision are questionable to me and pointing them out can be interpreted as criticism... but actually i'm curious and often there is reasoning behind why something is done the way its done.

To the "sounds good to me" Sure dose. i don’t take this as an objective measurement and therefore i can’t say its false.
Maybe its all in your/his head... entirely plausible...
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Is this a design that you have made for the AboutAudio company? Are you being paid for prototyping a design? Do you have a vested interest in this company?

It almost seems as if you are promoting a design in which you have some sort of financial interest. Is this true?

Hummmmm I shared some impressions and reviews for Purifi amps, Poppulse, drMordor Sabaj and many other. However, do I have any financial interest? DIY being a simple passion in the same way as music)
Search for my participations here, you will understand.
Are those speaker binding post wires just flapping about in the case with no tie downs? They run the entire length of the case, this doesn’t seem like a good plan, but I’m no electronics designer.
Cool thanks for sharing!

Well some just like to show of there work or work they like.
A new IRS20921 amp with all custom PCBs is for me more interesting then some modules in a case µC turning them on and off.
But i actually don't want to talk bad of your amplifier at all. its cool stuff. always welcome (to me) if someone shares something they made!

Some design design decision are questionable to me ant pointing them out can be interpreted as criticism... but actually i'm curious and often there is reasoning behind why something is done the way its done.

To the "sounds good to me" Sure dose. i don’t take this as an objective measurement and therefore i can’t say its false.
Maybe its all in your/his head... entirely plausible...

You are perfectly true... I just spend 2 hours listening to the amp. It's too early to say more I think ... that's why it's not a review, I just shared photos and the amp specs.
Anyway, again, I really wish Amir could test) I'll try to see with the manufacturer what it is .... fingers X
On that we agree.:)
On this we don't. Last time you shared subjective listening impressions, the amp in question measured quite poorly.

You mean the Mini Gan ? You re true, I don't deny.
But I did the same for the Sabaj A20A, The Aiyama A07 (that has been reviews here) and they do measure great for the price.

In this Amplifier Sinad list you can see the Orchard Starkrimson is only in the 20st position : However, are his measurements bad?

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