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What headphone(s) do you own ?

Hifiman HE400i, Fostex T50RP Mk3 (home done mayflower mod and Shure pads). Beyerdynamic DT770 250 Ohm, SHP9500 with Shure 1540 Pads , ATH-MSR7 and Sennheiser Momentum 2 wireless. My favourites were the T50RP but then I discovered Amir's EQ for the HE400i and they now win.
Just ordered a Meze Empyrean after a very pleasant demo session at home with my Topping D90/A90 combo.
Searching for another headphone amp to hook up to my SMSL M500 and turntable, happy about any recommendations!
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Stax L700mk2 (w/ Blu Tack mod, still no sub-bass, best for FPS). These took several days before my ears adjusted to the Stax sound before they sounded "right"
Argon Mk3 (seriously fun & comfy, terrible for critical listening or gaming)
DT880 600ohm (got for gaming, enjoy them, but electrostats are better for gaming)
HD6XX (great cans, outperformed most of my other cans though)
Koss 95X (retired by L700s, IMO the best cans for competitive computer gaming under $500)
Koss PHI30i (lol)
Focal Elex (super fun for listening, left driver does the Focal clipping thing though)
Sundara (love how transparent these sound)
Sivga P-II (overhyped)
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to replace my Sony Z7 (it’s falling apart), I went ahead and purchased the Denon D9200 to see how they compare.
I have a set of HE400i's, and was going to differentiate by getting something from Audeze or maybe Sennheiser, but then they put the HE6se on a huge sale and I couldn't resist. Should really let my 789 amp stretch its legs as they are notoriously hard to drive.
So, I just bought a second Nighthawk :facepalm: Because, you can never have enough Nighthawks :p Right @frogmeat69 ?

I needed something for my home office (including gaming), and I found a nice deal on eBay : 191 € for an original Nighthawk wood, complete, brand new since it that was only used for 6-8 hours by its owner ! :D The Nighthawks are not only a great Hi-Fi headphone, they're also a fantastic gaming headphone :cool: To those who don't like the Nighthawk, I suggest that you try it with EQ. The headphones themselves are amazing (build, comfort, driver quality, bass capabilities, lack of distortion even @ 20 Hz). Just EQ them to your liking, because at that price they're a real steal. ;)

Update to our collection :

Mid-Fi :
- Audioquest Nighthawk Carbon (249 €)
- Audioquest Nighthawk (191 €)
- Hifiman Sundara (299 €)
- Sennheiser HD600 (278 €)
- Sony MDR-CD1000 (old, with brand new pads - I wish I could find a decent PEQ preset for it)

Noise Cancelling :
- Bose QC15

- These SOTA noise-cancelling cans

Lo-Fi :
- OneOdio Studio Pro
- Marshall *don't know the model*

Wireless :
- Novero Rockdale (broken, I sat on them, but they still work :facepalm: )
- Some sh*tty chinese Bluetooth cans that never really worked

Misc :
- A bunch of crappy in-ear, down to the walkman era

Next Buy :
- Meze 99 Classics (Walnut/Gold) : they will be for travelling, planes and such.
So, I just bought a second Nighthawk :facepalm: Because, you can never have enough Nighthawks :p Right @frogmeat69 ?

I needed something for my home office (including gaming), and I found a nice deal on eBay : 191 € for an original Nighthawk wood, complete, brand new since it that was only used for 6-8 hours by its owner ! :D The Nighthawks are not only a great Hi-Fi headphone, they're also a fantastic gaming headphone:cool: To those who don't like the Nighthawk, I suggest that you try it with EQ. The headphones themselves are amazing (build, comfort, driver quality, bass capabilities, lack of distortion even @ 20 Hz). Just EQ them to your liking, because at that price they're a real steal. ;)

Update to our collection :

Mid-Fi :
- Audioquest Nighthawk Carbon (249 €)
- Audioquest Nighthawk (191 €)
- Hifiman Sundara (299 €)
- Sennheiser HD600 (278 €)
- Sony MDR-CD1000 (old, with brand new pads - I wish I could find a decent PEQ preset for it)

Noise Cancelling :
- Bose QC15
- These SOTA noise-cancelling cans

Lo-Fi :
- OneOdio Studio Pro
- Marshall *don't know the model*

Wireless :
- Novero Rockdale (broken, I sat on them, but they still work :facepalm: )
- Some sh*tty chinese Bluetooth cans that never really worked

Misc :
- A bunch of crappy in-ear, down to the walkman era

Next Buy :
- Meze 99 Classics (Walnut/Gold) : they will be for travelling, planes and such.
Nice, but I have to know, are they still stinky?? Had mine for over 4 years, and they still have that odd smell, I guess it's from the "liquid wood"??? I do keep them in the case if not in use, so maybe they don't get to air out, :).
My Nightowl Carbons don't seem to have that same aroma, how about your carbon hawks?
Nice, but I have to know, are they still stinky?? Had mine for over 4 years, and they still have that odd smell, I guess it's from the "liquid wood"??? I do keep them in the case if not in use, so maybe they don't get to air out, :).
I'll tell you that when I receive them :) So far my Nighthawk Carbon don't smell at all.
Worst case scenario, I'll perfume them :D:facepalm:
I'll tell you that when I receive them :) So far my Nighthawk Carbon don't smell at all.
Worst case scenario, I'll perfume them :D:facepalm:
Looking forward to it, and just be gentle with the long cable and it should be fine, not sure how rough people are with their gear with all the complaining about the cable crapping out right away, mine still works fine .
Sennheiser HD25-2 II
: ~2010-201?. Never liked the split headband, but these were fine. I can't remember anything outstandingly good or bad, sound or comfort-wise. I sold them in the end because I decided IEM's were easier for travel, which is what I mainly used them for. Sometimes feel like giving up and just getting these again for everything.

PSA: if you previously enjoyed on-ear headphones, back when you were young and had good eyesight, be careful revisiting them now with your glasses that you have to wear now all the time because you're old and blind. I don't think I lasted 15 minutes with the HD 25's that arrived today. So uncomfortable.

Back to the interminable wait for the Argons to come back from Modhouse.
Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro.
The only problem I have is that if the source is crapy the high spectrum gets annoying.
a minor one is the weight.
I like the fact that whatever music I feed it with, it responds excellent. Would love to see results from amir.
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I have had -

. ATH-50x (First pair, broke down 5 years ago)
. Hifiman Sundara, great sounding, but uncomfortable (Had to send them back)

Right now I have the AKG K550 MKII, but I am looking for an open pair.

Been looking at the HD6XX, DT1990 and the HD660s/HD560s.

I have heard that the soundstage of the 6XX is narrow, but would it be much worse than my current AKG 550s?

Other suggestions would also be appreciated. (Under 500€) :D
First of all, saying "hi" would be a plus, especially for your first message here.

If you liked the Sundara, get a new one. They have changed the earpad shape one year ago (to avoid pressure on the jaw since the pads don't swivel), which results in a much better comfort and sound. It's like another headphone. I have no comfort issues at all with mine.

The soundstage of all Sennheiser 6-- cans (6XX, 600, 650, 660S) is narrow, kind of 'in your head'. They have other qualities. You get a 6-- for its neutrality, its midrange and its treble, not for the bass extension or the soundstage. They're very light, rugged, and are good if you're OK with the mostly plastic build.

An alternative would be the ATH-R70x (Audio Technica's take at Sennheiser HD600). Nice sounding but small stock earpads. I'd prefer the Senn.

Under $500 you have lots of possibilities, depending on the sound you like : do you like it neutral ? warm ? bright ? V-shaped ? W-shaped ? Relaxed or analytical ? Planar, electrodynamic or electrostatic ?

Plus you haven't told us what will be the source and if you have a headphone amp, which may be necessary for some models. A headphone is just a link in an audio chain.
First of all, saying "hi" would be a plus, especially for your first message here.

If you liked the Sundara, get a new one. They have changed the earpad shape one year ago (to avoid pressure on the jaw since the pads don't swivel), which results in a much better comfort and sound. It's like another headphone. I have no comfort issues at all with mine.

The soundstage of all Sennheiser 6-- cans (6XX, 600, 650, 660S) is narrow, kind of 'in your head'. They have other qualities. You get a 6-- for its neutrality, its midrange and its treble, not for the bass extension or the soundstage. They're very light, rugged, and are good if you're OK with the mostly plastic build.

An alternative would be the ATH-R70x (Audio Technica's take at Sennheiser HD600). Nice sounding but small stock earpads. I'd prefer the Senn.

Under $500 you have lots of possibilities, depending on the sound you like : do you like it neutral ? warm ? bright ? V-shaped ? W-shaped ? Relaxed or analytical ? Planar, electrodynamic or electrostatic ?

Plus you haven't told us what will be the source and if you have a headphone amp, which may be necessary for some models. A headphone is just a link in an audio chain.

Thank you for the answer, and hello to you all!

The Sundara was the new revision. The pads were not the problem but the hotspot they created on the head.. Otherwise I really liked them alot! I had no issues with their pads, comfortable with enough space.

I mostly tend to like neutral headphones, but I also dont mind if they are bright. I have mostly used dynamic drivers except for the Sundaras.

I was looking into the 600 line due to all the recommendations, but I am afraid that they might just be too narrow sounding. I like switching between music and "gaming", which is mostly singleplayer, so the narrow soundstage might then be noticeable.

I also tried out an DT880 which I thought sounded good for the price, but would most likely have been more of side grade/very small upgrade, from the AKG K550.

Some also said that the DT1990 were the upgrade from the DT880 in sound quality.

Just recently sent away my Topping L30 for a return due to their known problem, so I am currently looking for an replacement that I will combine with the Topping E30 DAC.

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Numelu said:
Thank you for the answer, and hello to you all!

The Sundara was the new revision. The pads were not the problem but the hotspot they created on the head, otherwise I really liked them alot, I had no issues with their pads.

I mostly tend to like neutral headphones, but I also dont mind if they are bright. I have mostly used dynamic drivers except for the Sundaras.

Just recently sent away my Topping L30 for a return due to their known problem, so I am currently looking for an replacement that I will combine with the Topping E30 DAC.

All right. Never had that hotspot issue with my Sundara, but OK.

Sounds like you would appreciate a Sennheiser. If you don't mind the blue plastic, 6XX would be the cheapest option (it's identical to a 650 except the color). Otherwise get a 600 if you're all about vocal stuff. There's no point in getting a 650 since the 6XX is cheaper (except if you dislike the color). And the 660S has mixed reviews and isn't worth its price IMHO. All of them are lightweight, so comfort shouldn't be an issue. As for the 560S, it's a slight downgrade vs. all the 6-- (and even more plasticky, looks like a toy to me), so given the cost of the 6XX I see no reason for getting a 560S.

The DT1990 Pro is a serious option, with a luxurious build, if you don't mind a can that's over-analytical with ear-piercing highs. But it's overpriced IMHO. You should only get it if you have access to EQ. And if you do, then you could save money by getting a Sennheiser and EQing it too.

All those cans will be driven to perfection by an L30. If I were you I would just order a new one, especially since you already have a E30. I have a L30 too, and I'm getting a new one via their replacement program. There is no reason at all to be afraid and get another amp : potential issues have been fixed now and the L30 is just as safe as any other amp (probably even safer now). You can't find better for the price. :)
All right. Never had that hotspot issue with my Sundara, but OK.

Sounds like you would appreciate a Sennheiser. If you don't mind the blue plastic, 6XX would be the cheapest option (it's identical to a 650 except the color). Otherwise get a 600 if you're all about vocal stuff. There's no point in getting a 650 since the 6XX is cheaper (except if you dislike the color). And the 660S has mixed reviews and isn't worth its price IMHO. All of them are lightweight, so comfort shouldn't be an issue. As for the 560S, it's a slight downgrade vs. all the 6-- (and even more plasticky, looks like a toy to me), so given the cost of the 6XX I see no reason for getting a 560S.

The DT1990 Pro is a serious option, with a luxurious build, if you don't mind a can that's over-analytical with ear-piercing highs. But it's overpriced IMHO. You should only get it if you have access to EQ. And if you do, then you could save money by getting a Sennheiser and EQing it too.

All those cans will be driven to perfection by an L30. If I were you I would just order a new one, especially since you already have a E30. I have a L30 too, and I'm getting a new one via their replacement program. There is no reason at all to be afraid and get another amp : potential issues have been fixed now and the L30 is just as safe as any other amp (probably even safer now). You can't find better for the price. :)

I updated my recent post.

The Sennheisers would be 250€ compared to 430€ of the DT1990.

Will see about the L30, it is already on the way back, but if it is completely fixed, then I might try and contact Amazon and Shenzhenaudio about a replacement.
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Sennheiser HD25
Sony WH-1000XM3
Sony WF-1000XM3
Sennheiser CX-300S
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