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    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to DonDish's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      Im beyond tired of upgrading and paying for everything new. First came DVD, and OK with 4K TV bluray was needed to get some out of it...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to JSmith's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      True... however I think most don't even understand that what they are watching is sub-par and not making the most of their display...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to Sal1950's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      Sadly most people just don't give a damn about TOTL quality today. While video/audio hard media like the BD and CD are dying, people...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to JSmith's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      Yes, becoming a problem. What's worse where I am is Disney and all affiliates have stopped selling BD's altogether... so I either have...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to Oso Polar's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      This is exactly the problem: not the fact that Blu-ray is dying but that there is no adequate replacement. Usually obsolete technologies...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to Sal1950's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      But it was and IS better and became easily seen as very large sceen TV's became affordable and obtainable. With room for 4k video and...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to raif71's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      My old LG tv is still 3d and my optoma projector is 3d too but I have misplaced the projector 3d specs. Sometimes I do watch 3d on my...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 replied to the thread Blu-ray is dying….
      I hate streaming, think it looks like crap most of the time compared to physical media, especially in the evening when everyone is also...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to MattHooper's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      I’m totally where you are at this point. I’ve been eyeing kaleidescape for a long time, was thinking of buying one of their older...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to Soria Moria's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      You will own nothing and you'll be happy. Streaming is terrible. Where I live the library you get is very very small, prices are high...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to ThatM1key's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      I loved the Blu-ray medium but it does have its flaws. I think it went downhill when 4K was coming heard. What I like: Good video and...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to masterhw's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      It can be uniquely challenging to find a media player capable of rendering all the advanced video and audio codecs, particularly over...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to Zorlac's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      I have been collecting UHD blu-rays pretty agressively the last year. Also have been buying standard blu-ray or DVD if that is the best...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to MattHooper's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      Bummer. I am a longtime Home Theatre enthusiast. I still even have my HD DVD player and HD DVD collection! (along with a Blu-ray...
    • frogmeat69
      frogmeat69 reacted to Blumlein 88's post in the thread Blu-ray is dying… with Like Like.
      The downfall of the format was bound to happen. However I agree with comment of dasdoing in that it never lived. It never lived...
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