Hey Matt all of my devices tablets PC etc. show whats playing in a "taskbar" at the bottom of the BluOS screen. So not sure what you are saying?
I talked about this on the Bluesound thread.
I'm often listening to albums I don't know that well, or playlists, or exploring music from streaming.
So for instance I want to call up an album and sample songs.
I get a track list down the screen of all the songs. And they are all numbered as to their place on the album. Hm..let's try this one...press...track starts playing.
On every other music interface I've used, if I'm looking at a list of tracks and I've selected one to play, there is an indication that THAT track is playing:
it's highlighted, a dancing meter icon pops up beside it, whatever. This is useful because I'm using those track lists to choose which tracks I want to hear. Therefore
the most useful thing is an indication *within the track list* as to what is playing. So as I'm perusing the list I can always instantly know which is playing.
Not on the Bluesound interface. Nothing.
Yes a taskbar pops up at the bottom showing the scrolling name of the track now playing. But the problem is I may be looking at a long list of tracks, that go well
off the screen, and the tracks may have all sorts of unfamiliar names. So it's not like I'm going to instantly memorize all the track lists to know which track is where on the list. Therefore if I want to select the next track playing, or just not re-select the same track, the only way to indicate which of all those tracks is playing is to look down to the task bar. The task bar does not even show the number of the track, just the name. So I wait for the name to scroll by, then look back to the track list cross checking it: "Lets see, the now playing taskbar says: "J.S. Bach: Cello Sui....09 - 2 Allemande..." so now I have to find that track among all the similar named tracks on the album. Ah...THAT's playing, track 5. Ok, now I want to hear track 6. Press.
Instead of just f*cking showing me which track is playing in the list, on the actual list itself, with a now playing icon! In which I'd instantly know what was playing, rather than playing a game of hunting for it. (Excuse the french).