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    • J
      Hi, Three things. 1. Don’t let the naysayers discourage you. I think they mean well but… remember for all the technical talk on this...
    • J
      Bachatero, you are very energetic and keep up the good work. Just don’t forget to charge something for all your effort. Best wishes.
    • J
    • J
      At this point, the DSP functionality is an irrelevant detail because all that's needed is to implement the DSP math which likely isn't a...
    • J
      jbags replied to the thread Come on Roon.
      Sounds good. At this point I’m not sure I want to set up and maintain another audio device. But if I change my mind Lyrion looks...
    • J
      jbags reacted to ban25's post in the thread Come on Roon with Like Like.
      It will also stream to AirPlay and Chromecast endpoints.
    • J
      jbags reacted to Timcognito's post in the thread Come on Roon with Like Like.
    • J
      jbags reacted to ban25's post in the thread Come on Roon with Like Like.
      If you're looking for something similar to Roon, but free, check out Lyrion (formerly LMS): https://lyrion.org/
    • J
      jbags replied to the thread Come on Roon.
      I will try that. Thank you for the suggestion. I’m not sure it works on a mid 2009 MacBook running Linux Mint, but it’s worth a try.
    • J
      jbags replied to the thread Come on Roon.
      Thank you so much for looking, I really appreciate your help.
    • J
      jbags replied to the thread Come on Roon.
      Sorry but I don’t know what a tag is or how to add one to a file. I just know all the tracks, albums, and artist data used to work fine...
    • J
      jbags replied to the thread Come on Roon.
      Yes that is correct.
    • J
      jbags reacted to Zgrado1970's post in the thread Come on Roon with Like Like.
      Just so I understand, you paid $0 extra on the ELAC for Roon Essentials, and there is no monthly fee to Roon for using Roon Essentials?
    • J
      jbags replied to the thread Come on Roon.
      At this time I am not using the Elac device at all. I use the Tidal app to cast to an old Google Chromecast Audio device via an...
    • J
      jbags replied to the thread Come on Roon.
      You are right, both Elac and Roon should be working together to support this device. But each company just direct the end user to the...
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