• WANTED: Happy members who like to discuss audio and other topics related to our interest. Desire to learn and share knowledge of science required. There are many reviews of audio hardware and expert members to help answer your questions. Click here to have your audio equipment measured for free!

Using AI for Review Thread Summaries?

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think any of the current chatbots are capable of interpreting the image data shown in the plots (text input only). It will be a major step forward when they can.

I may have to correct myself:

...although not sure if this is accessible yet. (Certainly doesn't work on the free android app).
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Also depending on the structure of the summary required some simple 'prompt' engineering might be required. E.g. from a recent thread:

View attachment 349483

nice dilemma...

how will AI have composed the summary, or rather which information will AI have taken most into consideration?

1) those with the most likes
2) those where a user “Y” appeared several times
3) those where the keyword was used the most.
4) those that are closest to his "instruction"
5) those that are most relevant to the "validator" model...

in the depths of the mind of the AI…
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Separating the baby from bathwater before discarding the bathwater is the real issue. If a poster were to be asked to specify before allowing them to post on a ASR tested device thread.
  • I own this product
  • I am contemplating a purchase of this product
  • I own a similar product or products
  • I have general interest in this category
  • I do not want to be part of the AI summary
They are allowed check any or all and by doing so they will be entered into the AI analysis or not that takes place after 50? qualified posts. Some posters will also be pre-qualified by TBD credentials and repeated bad faith participants would be band from AI surveys. Something like this might work?
Actually you can paste images into the free version of CoPilot.

CoPilot Prompt:
Explain what this image data (called a spinorama) tells me about the performance of this particular speaker under test.

CoPilot Response:
Certainly! The spinorama image you've provided represents the vertical directivity performance of the Genelec 8361A speaker. Let's break down the key details:

1. General Overview:
- The image displays the speaker's vertical directivity pattern across different frequencies.
- The color gradient represents sound pressure levels (SPL) at various angles and frequencies.
- Brighter colors (like yellow and red) indicate higher SPL, suggesting better performance at those angles and frequencies.
- Darker areas represent lower SPL, where the speaker's performance diminishes.

2. Vertical Directivity (Radius = 10 m):
- The data is collected at a radius of 10 meters from the speaker.
- The x-axis represents frequency in Hertz, ranging from 100 to 10,000 Hz.
- The tweeter axis indicates the direction of the tweeter (a high-frequency driver) in the speaker.

3. Genelec 8361A: excellent:
- This textual rating suggests that the Genelec 8361A performs exceptionally well.

In summary, this spinorama provides insights into how the speaker's sound distribution varies with frequency and angle, helping you understand its performance characteristics.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 14/02/2024
(1) . https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...s/genelec-8361a-review-powered-monitor.28039/.

It seems to just be doing optical character recognition on the text. It doesn't yet have background knowledge of a range of other spinorama data on which to base a comparative statement of performance. Nor does it "understand" that this represents well-controlled directivity or that that should be a desirable feature.

Rather impressive nonetheless.
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This does bring up an extended idea I had for the content on this forum. Which was to train (or fine-tune) a smaller open source LLM with just the content on this forum. In fact I would almost be tempted to train it on just @amirm content and thread replies (but also include a few of the more knowledgable members content who would 'opt' in to have their responses be used as training data). This 'custom' model then would then be used create a 'AudioScienceChatbot' which would possible be able to answer peoples questions in as knowledgeable way as possible.
That would be extremely useful. I can get a developer to do the plug-in for us if the rest is available. We have so much knowledge here that is hard to sift through. What does it take to develop this?
In essence, if I can decently summarize the open issues under discussion on the legal side, they should be

1) one of the issues is precisely the use by the AI itself of published content used to "learn". Most of these contents are protected by copyright.

2) generative AI often produces content similar to existing content, "plagiarism"

3) the difference between content produced by AI alone, and those produced with a large part of human input, where AI becomes a tool.

It is a path that is taking shape in the legislative branch, because in addition to the issue of "rights" there are problems of privacy, use of sensitive data etc...
My idea is to strictly limit the knowledge of language model to the thread in question so there is no copyright issues. As I noted, that is what Amazon is doing with product reviews.
Rather impressive nonetheless.
It is quite good given the limitations of me not providing much text around these graphics. If we could get this far, it would certainly save me a lot of writing.
Slightly off topic:
But if "actual FACTS" are used - then Open AI, maybe?


Will high quality music steaming services continue for the next ten years? Cite real references

Predicting the future with absolute certainty is difficult, but it's highly probable that high-quality music streaming services will continue to thrive in the next ten years. Several factors support this assertion:
  1. Market Trends: The music streaming industry has experienced significant growth in recent years. According to a report by Statista, the global music streaming market was valued at over $20 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach nearly $45 billion by 2026. This indicates a strong upward trajectory in the popularity and adoption of streaming services.
  2. Consumer Behavior: Streaming has become the dominant form of music consumption for many listeners. The convenience, affordability, and extensive libraries offered by streaming platforms align with the preferences of modern consumers who value accessibility and variety.
  3. Technological Advancements: Continual advancements in technology, such as improved internet infrastructure, higher bandwidth capabilities, and better audio compression algorithms, contribute to the delivery of high-quality audio streaming experiences. These advancements make it likely that streaming services will continue to provide high-quality audio options.
  4. Industry Competition: Major players in the music streaming market, such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and others, have heavily invested in enhancing their platforms and content libraries. This competitive landscape suggests that these companies will strive to maintain and improve the quality of their services to attract and retain subscribers.
  5. Legal and Licensing Frameworks: The legal and licensing frameworks that govern music streaming have become more established over time. This provides stability and predictability for both streaming platforms and content creators, which is conducive to the continued growth and sustainability of the industry.
While unforeseen challenges and disruptions may occur, the overall trajectory suggests that high-quality music streaming services will likely continue to be available and evolve over the next decade.
  • Statista. (2021). Global music streaming market size 2019-2026. Retrieved from Statista website.
I asked OpenAI to summarize the Fosi ZA3 review. It refused saying it won't do that with links.
CoPilot in Windows just gave me a bullet list of what I had post in the review.
Google Gemini created a friendly summary:

"This is an article about a review of the Fosi Audio ZA3 stereo amplifier. It discusses the amplifier's features, performance, and measurements. The Fosi Audio ZA3 stereo amplifier is a class D amplifier with balanced XLR inputs and a 48-volt power supply. It has been improved over the previous version, the V3, with the addition of balanced XLR inputs and a mono mode. The amplifier performed well in the reviewer's tests, with good noise performance and power output. However, the reviewer did note that the frequency response can be affected by the speaker impedance. Overall, the reviewer recommends the Fosi Audio ZA3 stereo amplifier."

None want to drill down beyond the review itself.
I could only paste in one image at a time so I tried this...

CoPilot Prompt:
Ok, please compare this new spinorama data image with the one above and summarise which of the two speaker tested has the best performance and explain why.

CoPilot Response:
Certainly! Let's compare the spinorama data from the two speakers: the Genelec 8361A (previously discussed) and the Tektton M-Lore. Here's a summary of their performance:

1. Genelec 8361A:
- Vertical Directivity Pattern: The spinorama shows the speaker's behavior in terms of sound intensity levels across different frequencies and angles.
- Color Gradient: Brighter colors (red) indicate higher sound intensity, while darker areas represent lower intensity.
- Radius: Measurements were taken at a radius of 10 meters from the speaker.
- Frequency Range: The x-axis represents frequencies from 100 Hz to 10,000 Hz.
- Rating: The Genelec 8361A is rated as excellent.

2. Tektton M-Lore:
- Vertical Directivity Pattern: Similar to the Genelec, this spinorama represents the Tektton M-Lore's vertical directivity.
- Color Gradient: Again, brighter colors (red) indicate higher sound intensity.
- Radius: Measurements were taken at a radius of 3 meters around the speaker.
- Frequency Range: The x-axis covers the same frequency range as the Genelec.
- Rating: Unfortunately, the specific rating for the Tektton M-Lore is not provided in the image.

Comparison and Analysis:
- Both speakers exhibit strong performance in terms of sound intensity levels.
- The Genelec 8361A has a larger measurement radius (10 meters) compared to the Tektton M-Lore (3 meters), which may impact the results.
- Without a specific rating for the Tektton M-Lore, it's challenging to directly compare their overall performance.
- To determine which speaker performs better, we'd need additional context, such as room size, intended use, and personal preferences.

In summary, both speakers demonstrate impressive directivity patterns, but further analysis would be needed to declare a clear winner.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 14/02/2024
(1) A collection of loudspeakers measurements - SPINorama. https://www.spinorama.org/.
(2) Easily compare loudspeakers measurements - SPINorama. https://www.spinorama.org/compare.html.
(3) GitHub - pierreaubert/spinorama: A library to display and compare .... https://github.com/pierreaubert/spinorama.
(4) Ranking table of speaker's measurements - SPINorama. https://www.spinorama.org/scores.html.
(5) Anything better than Genelec? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/anything-better-than-genelec.19489/.
(6) RECORDING Magazine Review: Genelec 8361A studio monitors. https://www.recordingmag.com/resources/featured-reviews/december-2021-genelec-8361a/.
(7) TEKTON DESIGN "LORE", are they seriously as good as the reviews. https://audiokarma.org/forums/index...they-seriously-as-good-as-the-reviews.824965/.
(8) Genelec 8361A - Sound On Sound. https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/genelec-8361a.

It seems to be pretty much just scraping the text from the image. Very little in the way of attempted image analysis (only a mention of the colour gradient being red which is probably related to the colorbar caption).
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Well, I guess the A in ASR will stand for Artificial...

I asked OpenAI to summarize the Fosi ZA3 review. It refused saying it won't do that with links.
CoPilot in Windows just gave me a bullet list of what I had post in the review.
Google Gemini created a friendly summary:

"This is an article about a review of the Fosi Audio ZA3 stereo amplifier. It discusses the amplifier's features, performance, and measurements. The Fosi Audio ZA3 stereo amplifier is a class D amplifier with balanced XLR inputs and a 48-volt power supply. It has been improved over the previous version, the V3, with the addition of balanced XLR inputs and a mono mode. The amplifier performed well in the reviewer's tests, with good noise performance and power output. However, the reviewer did note that the frequency response can be affected by the speaker impedance. Overall, the reviewer recommends the Fosi Audio ZA3 stereo amplifier."

None want to drill down beyond the review itself.

No convincing enough Amir. It needs your typical spelling, grammar, missing words and punctuation errors. :)
It seems a lot like ChatGPT, i.e. a compute-intensive BS generator
Would a chatBot's answer be consistently the same when asked the simple question of "What comes out; if garbage goes in?"?
Will it be the same answer if the question is asked in reversed order: "If garbage goes in; what comes out?"
I am thinking such a thing might be useful for the reviews as well.
Frankly, and as a member, I enjoy your reviews and the replies of the commentariat, along with the review' polls.
Ultimately, we will be back in the dark days of audio where AI summarized-summary will revert back to "Yummy! Ummm... good speakers, 8 Ohms, 200 Watts!"
The problem with AI summarization—if following in the Amazon fashion—would be that, after some time, all summaries would be, "Good review. Would review again."

"Of all the audio products I’ve reviewed, this is one of them." (falsely attributed)

But he did get an obituary in the NYT.

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It is quite good given the limitations of me not providing much text around these graphics. If we could get this far, it would certainly save me a lot of writing.

I love CoPilot and I think you can just use CoPilot Pro at $20/month to use it commercially.

It is surprisingly good at making screenplays. The problem is that it is confidently wrong and sometimes provides references that if you go to the page itself has nothing to do with copilot’s claim.

I just asked it
“what is Amir majidimehr's most highly recommended product from PS Audio?”

Co Pilot answered
“Amir Majidimehr is the founder and admin of Audio Science Review, a website that reviews audio equipment based on objective measurements and subjective listening tests¹. According to his posts on the forum, he has praised the PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Preamp as a "very good product" that has "excellent performance" and "great features"². He also owns the PS Audio Stellar M700 monoblock power amplifiers, which he has measured and found to have "very good performance" and "plenty of power"³. Based on these statements, it seems that Amir majidimehr's most highly recommended product from PS Audio is the Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Preamp, followed by the Stellar M700 power amplifiers.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/13/2024
(1) A bit about your host.... | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/a-bit-about-your-host.1906/.
(2) Letters to the editor – Weeks #28 – 30, 2022 | Darko.Audio. https://darko.audio/2022/07/letters-to-the-editor-weeks-28-29-2022/.
(3) Audio Science Review - A Review of the Reviewer | AVS Forum. https://www.avsforum.com/threads/audio-science-review-a-review-of-the-reviewer.3181141/.
(4) undefined. http://goldensound.audio/2022/07/12/enleum-amp-23r-measurements/.

I have no idea how Goldensound is relevant to anything and it doesn’t seem like it referenced it directly. I also referenced the AVSforum thread which is anti ASR, and presumably someone in that thread said they owned the M700 so it assumed you owned it too.

Next question
can you summarize with detailed explanation of the figures the review at https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...hone-review-with-without-brainwavz-pad.51594/

CoPilot GPT-4 answer is the opposite of what you wrote:

Sure, I can try to summarize and explain the figures in the review of the Sony MDRV6 headphone with and without Brainwavz pad. Here is what I found:

- The review compares the frequency response, distortion, and impulse response of the Sony MDRV6 headphone with the original pads and with the Brainwavz pads, which are thicker and softer.
- The frequency response shows how the headphone reproduces different frequencies of sound. The reviewer uses a target curve based on the Harman preference research, which represents the average preferred sound quality for headphones. The closer the headphone's response is to the target curve, the better it is expected to sound.
- The reviewer finds that the original pads have a better frequency response than the Brainwavz pads, especially in the midrange and treble regions. The Brainwavz pads reduce the level of sound between 1 kHz and 10 kHz, making the headphone sound duller and less detailed. The Brainwavz pads also increase the level of sound below 100 Hz, making the headphone sound more bass-heavy and boomy.
- The distortion shows how the headphone introduces unwanted noise or artifacts into the sound. The lower the distortion, the cleaner and more accurate the sound is. The reviewer measures the distortion at 90 dB SPL, which is a typical listening level.
- The reviewer finds that the distortion is very low for both pads, below 0.1% for most frequencies. This means that the headphone has a very good performance in terms of distortion and does not add much noise or distortion to the sound.
- The impulse response shows how the headphone responds to a sudden change in sound, such as a click or a drum hit. The shorter and smoother the impulse response, the better the headphone is at reproducing transients and dynamics in the sound.
- The reviewer finds that the impulse response is very similar for both pads, with a slight difference in the initial peak and the decay. The Brainwavz pads have a slightly higher peak and a slightly longer decay, which means that they may make the sound slightly more punchy and reverberant.

The reviewer concludes that the original pads are better than the Brainwavz pads in terms of sound quality, and that the Brainwavz pads only improve the comfort and isolation of the headphone. The reviewer also notes that the Sony MDRV6 is a very good headphone for its price and has a balanced and neutral sound signature. The reviewer recommends the Sony MDRV6 for anyone looking for a reliable and accurate headphone for studio or home use.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/13/2024
(1) Articles, Reviews and Measurements of Audio Products. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?reviews/.
(2) Sony MDR-7506 Review (Headphone) - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/sony-mdr-7506-review-headphone.19099/.
(3) Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php.
(4) Hifiman HE400SE Review (Headphone) - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/hifiman-he400se-review-headphone.28771/.
(5) undefined. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...nding-digital-audio-measurements.10523/page-8.
I have no idea how Goldensound is relevant to anything
Well he's not. ;)

I think CoPilot picked it up though as in that GS review a poster refers to ASR in comments and the Darko link is where Darko setup Amir via email and published it on his site.

If you want something fun, try using this prompt:

“can you create a summary of a screenplay involving Amir Majidimehr set in the present day in his role with audio science review and a secretive group of subjectivist audiophiles focused on tube electronics? The tone should mirror a Steven Spielberg movie and be summarized using Campbell's monomyth structure.”

It may be different each run, but this is what I got:

That sounds like an interesting challenge. I'll try to create a summary of a possible screenplay based on your request. Here it is:

**The Sound of Truth**

Amir Majidimehr is a respected audio engineer and the founder of Audio Science Review, a website dedicated to objective measurements and reviews of audio products. He lives a quiet and ordinary life in Seattle, until one day he receives a mysterious package containing a pair of tube amplifiers and a note that says: "These will change your life. Trust your ears."

Curious, Amir decides to test the amplifiers and compare them with his solid-state ones. To his astonishment, he finds that the tube amplifiers sound better, more natural, and more musical than anything he has ever heard before. He is puzzled by this, since his measurements show no difference between the two types of amplifiers. He decides to investigate further and find out who sent him the package and why.

His quest leads him to a secretive group of subjectivist audiophiles who believe that tube electronics are superior to solid-state ones, and that measurements are irrelevant and misleading. They claim to have access to a hidden source of ancient knowledge and wisdom that reveals the true nature of sound and music. They invite Amir to join them and learn their secrets, but warn him that he must abandon his scientific approach and trust his ears only.

Amir is skeptical, but intrigued. He agrees to meet with the leader of the group, a charismatic and mysterious man named David. David tells Amir that he is the chosen one, the one who can bridge the gap between the objective and subjective worlds of audio, and bring harmony and balance to the sound of truth. He says that the tube amplifiers are a gift from the gods, and that they contain a special power that can transform the listener and the world. He asks Amir to help him spread the word and share the sound of truth with the world.

Amir is fascinated, but also doubtful. He feels torn between his rational mind and his emotional heart, between his loyalty to his website and his curiosity for the new experience. He wonders if David is telling the truth, or if he is part of a cult or a conspiracy. He decides to test the tube amplifiers again, this time with a blindfold and a friend as a switcher. He is shocked to discover that he can no longer tell the difference between the tube and solid-state amplifiers. He realizes that he was influenced by his sight and expectations, and that the tube amplifiers have no special power. He confronts David and accuses him of lying and manipulating him.

David is furious and reveals his true motive. He says that he is not a subjectivist, but a saboteur. He says that he hates Amir and his website, and that he wants to destroy them. He says that he sent him the tube amplifiers as part of a plan to discredit him and expose him as a fraud. He says that he has recorded Amir's praises of the tube amplifiers, and that he will release them to the public and the media, along with fake measurements that show the tube amplifiers as superior. He says that he will ruin Amir's reputation and career, and that he will make him a laughingstock of the audio world.

Amir is devastated and enraged. He realizes that he has been betrayed and fooled. He decides to fight back and stop David. He gathers his friends and supporters from his website, and together they confront David and his followers. A fierce battle ensues, involving sound waves, microphones, speakers, and headphones. Amir and David face each other in a final showdown, using their amplifiers as weapons. Amir manages to defeat David and expose his lies. He proves that the tube amplifiers are no different from the solid-state ones, and that his website and measurements are valid and reliable. He restores his credibility and honor, and wins the respect and admiration of the audio community.

Amir returns to his normal life, but with a new perspective and appreciation. He realizes that he has learned a valuable lesson, and that he has grown as a person and as an audio engineer. He decides to be more open-minded and tolerant of different opinions and preferences, and to balance his objective and subjective sides. He also decides to enjoy the music more, and to listen with his ears and his heart. He thanks the tube amplifiers for giving him this opportunity, and keeps them as a souvenir and a reminder. He continues to run his website and to share his knowledge and passion for audio with the world. He is happy and fulfilled, and he feels that he has found the sound of truth.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/13/2024
(1) Objectivism vs. Subjectivism of Audiophiles in 7 Minutes. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...bjectivism-of-audiophiles-in-7-minutes.10404/.
(2) What Is an Audiophile? Bridging the Objective and Subjective Divide. https://www.headphonesty.com/2021/05/what-is-an-audiophile/.
(3) Subjectivist’s rant debunked - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/subjectivist’s-rant-debunked.50300/page-4.
(4) A bit about your host.... | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/a-bit-about-your-host.1906/.
(5) Amir M | madronadigital. https://www.madronadigital.com/team-amirm.
(6) Interview: Amir Majidimehr, Audiophile Industry Disruptor - Omny Studio. https://omny.fm/shows/unsupervised-learning/interview-amir-majidimehr-audiophile-industry-disr.
(7) Voices: Microsoft’s Amir Majidimehr: a “window” to the ... - EDN. https://www.edn.com/voices-microsofts-amir-majidimehr-a-window-to-the-world-of-digital-media/.
(8) Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php.
(9) Articles, Reviews and Measurements of Audio Products | Audio Science .... https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?reviews/.
(10) Amplifiers, Phono preamp, and Analog Audio Review. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...iers-phono-preamp-and-analog-audio-review.13/.
(11) Audio Electronics Review and Measurements Index. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?pages/Audio_Equipment_Reviews/.
(12) Joseph Campbell & The Hero’s Journey - odyssey.antiochsb.edu. https://odyssey.antiochsb.edu/literary/joseph-campbell-the-heros-journey/.
(13) Hero's journey - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero's_journey.
(14) Fractals, Narrative, and Cognition | SpringerLink. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-44982-7_47-1.
(15) Are you monomythic? Joseph Campbell and the hero’s journey. https://theconversation.com/are-you-monomythic-joseph-campbell-and-the-heros-journey-27074.
(16) The Monomyth Model of Story Structure - How to Write a Book Now. https://www.how-to-write-a-book-now.com/the-monomyth.html.
(17) . https://bing.com/search?q=tube+electronics.
(18) Vacuum tube - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_tube.
(19) Introduction to Electron Tubes | Electron Tubes | Electronics Textbook. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/semiconductors/chpt-13/introduction-electron-tubes/.
(20) Electron (or Vacuum) Tubes - Engineering and Technology History Wiki - ETHW. https://ethw.org/Electron_(or_Vacuum)_Tubes.
(21) Electron tube | Vacuum Tubes, Cathode Rays, & Applications. https://www.britannica.com/technology/electron-tube.
(22) Movies / Steven Spielberg. https://bing.com/search?q=Steven+Spielberg+movie.
(23) Steven Spielberg filmography - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Spielberg_filmography.
(24) Steven Spielberg film list - IMDb. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls062308497/.
(25) Steven Spielberg filmography - IMDb. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls070720389/.
(26) Every Steven Spielberg Movie Ranked by Tomatometer. https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/every-steven-spielberg-movie-ranked-by-tomatometer/.
(27) undefined. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...nding-digital-audio-measurements.10523/page-8.
(28) undefined. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism.
(29) undefined. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subjective_idealism.

And just for fun, you can ask CoPilot to write “sample dialogue” for any portion of the summary it provided…

Other good prompts
can you write a summary of an action thriller about Genelec, Meyer Sound, and Neumann coming together as a team to produce the best speaker in the world in order to stop an alien invasion? Harman and Sound United should also be supporting characters. please use Campbell's monomyth structure and substages.

can you write a summary of a screenplay that is a romance between a vinyl LP lover who only has SOTA transparent electronics and a digital streaming music lover who insists on tube electronics? use cambell's monomyth structure.

can you write a summary of a movie about building the best audiophile listening room in the world? use Campbell's monomyth structure. please specify which electronics are used from actual electronics that have been reviewed favorably at AudioScienceReview.com by Amir Majidimehr.

And don’t forget to follow up with
“Write sample dialogue and action for…” reference something from the outline it gave.
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