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    • AdamFrandsen
      Okay - since there was a sale on the original bs283 due to a newer model having been released, I decided to pull the trigger. It has a...
    • AdamFrandsen
      And here is dynamic range: I re-ran the Schiit Modi 3 and it improved a couple of dB which is reflected above.
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen replied to the thread Audiovector QR1.
      Seems like too many combinations for this to be a thorough design, same drivers in different shapes with adjustable but same crossovers...
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen reacted to Ryogo's post in the thread Audiovector QR1 with Like Like.
      It is what was called "XTZ 99.26 Center MKII". They have different shape to be able to put them on the side (while rotating ribbon...
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen replied to the thread Audiovector QR1.
      Yes - but the cabinet is a completely different shape than any 99.26 MK II I can find reviewed or tested on youtube.
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen reacted to Ryogo's post in the thread Audiovector QR1 with Like Like.
      There is a back photo in that ad that shows a label which clearly says 99.26 MKII :) For...
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen replied to the thread Audiovector QR1.
      These are the ones for sale
      • IMG_0830.jpeg
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen replied to the thread Audiovector QR1.
      On the official website only the 99.25 is active (as in production) and that's the one for sale, based on its appearance - shouldn't...
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen replied to the thread Audiovector QR1.
      It is a 99.25 LCR that's for sale, and a 99.26 MKII in white... Is the crossover the same when switching to beryllium tweeter? If so, I...
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen reacted to Ryogo's post in the thread Audiovector QR1 with Like Like.
      There should be a noticeable difference in mid-range clarity due to new crossover in mk2. Also, try to look for LCR (which is basically...
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen reacted to Selkirks's post in the thread Audiovector QR1 with Like Like.
      With some time and patience you might find used Revel Concerta2 M16's close to the budget. I found they were better all around in room.
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen replied to the thread Audiovector QR1.
      Is there a big difference between the XTZ 99.25 and 99.26 MKII, they have a pair of those for sale even cheaper in white, which I would...
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen replied to the thread Audiovector QR1.
      There is a pair of used kef r300s for sale at around 650 USD too, they have some nicks in the laquer though
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen replied to the thread Audiovector QR1.
      There is a pair for sale of the XTZ in my region in Europe for around 430 USD, I did look at them, haven’t heard them live, but from...
    • AdamFrandsen
      AdamFrandsen reacted to Ryogo's post in the thread Audiovector QR1 with Like Like.
      I owned QR1 for 1+ year. Got them for something like 1k euro new at that time. Nice looks, great finish, ok sound. They sounded "right"...
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