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A CD player, apparently.

Incredible. All that money going into that CD player and yet they choose a kitchen cabinet hinge


In Austria, hi-fi shows can look back on many years of tradition, which are now being continued by the FINEST AUDIO SHOW Vienna, organised by the makers behind the HIGH END show. The city of Vienna is located at the heart of Europe and can be easily accessed from its neighbouring countries. The event venue, the Austria Center Vienna, boasts a modern complex of buildings offering excellent conditions for excellent music demonstrations and high-quality technology presentations.

With the FINEST AUDIO SHOW, we are welcoming a new highlight to our portfolio of hi-fi shows designed to especially appeal to everyone who loves music and wants to listen to it in authentic quality within their own four walls. At our trade shows, leading exhibitors showcase everything that makes high-end music reproduction possible: be it intelligent streaming solutions, state-of-the-art turntables, traditional tube amplifiers, high-quality headphones or proven two-channel technology, the products showcased make every audiophile's heart beat faster. The FINEST AUDIO SHOW is all about a passion for excellent listening pleasure at its peak, with which we seek to delight a wide audience of visitors.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Hey thanks for posting all the great pictures. Not sure how they alll sound but they sure do look sexy. I really like the look of the Taylor speakers. Did you happen to listen to them?
Thanks for all photos and the time spend to publish it.

Kind of ironic situation, I am looking at these photos and in the same time listening music via some humble Fosi BT20A Pro.
I haven’t been to a hi-fi show in many years but I can count on one hand the good sounding systems I’ve heard at these shows. The circus of hi-end charlatans (exhibitors) have done irreparable damage to the hobby.
Absolutním vrcholem pro mě je:
Dess akustik - Space M PRO
I have heard this Dess speaker at a fair in germany about a month ago. It seemed to be the only company which was using a DSP for room correction. The DSP is part of the concept and the DSP setup in your room is included. I really appreciate this approach.

I liked the speaker, but it was not my favorite on this show.
D'Agostinos' for normies,pfff... :p


..and I always thought Giya should had a salad now and then (hope I'm not canceled for speaker-fat shaming :p )

Hey thanks for posting all the great pictures. Not sure how they alll sound but they sure do look sexy. I really like the look of the Taylor speakers. Did you happen to listen to them?
I heard Taylor speakers. The first thing that caught my attention was their beautiful honest appearance, perhaps as if they were carved from real wood. Their sound was brutally strong and robust, but maybe they lost a bit of delicacy, it play about the way it look.
Can I ask you how did MA Hyphn and these "sewer pipes" (omnipolars?) perform? To your ears/taste ofc
The MA Hypn didn't sound particularly good and actually looked like they could be used somewhere in the corridor of a shopping center. "Sewer Pipes" sounded pretty good, you still have to see them as they are interestingly weird.
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