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Seeking Advice, help, and interest for Acoustic Treatment of Pentagonal Studio Space


New Member
Dec 1, 2023
Hello everyone,

I'm reaching out to the collective expertise of this forum for advice on improving the acoustics of our studio. It's uniquely situated in the heart of Paris, nestled in the second basement of a historic building, and boasts a distinct pentagonal shape.

Our budget for acoustic improvements is pretty tight, capped at 1000€. We're planning to do a lot of DIY work and we are looking for wood design. I'm self-teaching and giving it a shot here. It's an exciting project that I hope will also provide useful insights for others. I invite you to check out the explanatory PDF named WAV STUDIOS - ACOUTSIC JOURNEY FILE.pdf (attached to this message) for more infos.

Here are the main challenges:

  • Speaker and Listening Position Placement: We're still figuring out the ideal spot for our speakers (KH 120 ii from Neumann).
  • Low Frequency Resonances: The usual challenge.
  • Echoes and Reflections: What kind of acoustic panels (size, material, placement...) and diffusers should we use?
  • Frequency Response: We've conducted several tests, available via the link in the PDF. We're analyzing them but could really use a bit of help.
Our vision:

We're aiming to create a studio where the acoustics are reliable and enjoyable, especially at the mixing listening point. Our goal is clarity, precision, and acoustic balance. Additionally, we're planning to set up a special area for vocal recording (rap or singing) and reasonably sized instruments, in an ideal acoustic atmosphere, independent of an isolated recording booth.

Specific needs:
  • Tips for improving absorption and diffusion, including suggestions on materials (like the type of wood to use) and designs for absorbers and diffusers.
  • Ideas for creating two acoustic zones in the studio: one optimized for mixing and the other for recording.
  • Innovative and flexible solutions like movable acoustic panels to adapt the space for various musical projects.
I'm leaving some images to illustrate, but you'll find all the necessary information (moodboard, REW measurements, dimensions, etc.) in the SwissTransfer link present in the PDF.

Thank you in advance for taking a look.

The future WAV STUDIO will always be open to welcome you.


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Did you get anywhere with your project? If you still would like some pointers, then:
  • clean out the room, including the desk, all the temporary absorbers, etc.
  • map the frequency response in and around the listening position with the speakers and the mic positioned like in the below picture (yes, one speaker at the wall, pointing at the mic - don't worry about it in this stage). Mic at the listening height, speakers can be slightly elevated. Vary the 'triangle' size (1m, 1,2m, etc) as you done previously.
  • We need L, R, L+R at every position. Measurements should be done with timing reference. Post the resulting MDAT file.
We can go from there.
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