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Science of healthy eating

Your argument is that two random vegetarians died, therefore vegetarianism kills you? “ScIEnCe!”

I'm still alive. Until my wife sees the next speakers and kills me.
By the way I'm antivax, too.
Most of the European countries but France and Italy are just recommending vaccination. In France and Italy you have no choice.
To be honest I need to tell you that 95% of their population has chosen to vaccinate.
What about the 5% that do not vaccinate ? They risk nothing, 95% of the population is vaccinated.
What about me. I've not received a single shot since 1989 because I know some people...
We'll keep some rooms available for you'll right next to this lady. ;)
If you eat healthy , you live longer.

It SEEMS even longer!

This is true.
But if every morning you eat cornflakes with cow milk from a bottle, you eat what we call here dead food.
95% of milk you buy in a bottle is heated at ultra high temp (UHT 285°F) it means all the vitamins are destroyed. When the milk is put in a bottle vitamins are added but what you drink is not milk anymore, it's just something white, dead, that does nothing good for your bones.
The glycemic index of corn flakes is very high i.e. 82.
about cornflakes
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Many of us have our own weight loss stories.

Mine is having been in good shape most of my life but getting in to some bad habits and putting on an extra 50 pounds or so, about 9 years ago.
There's no way I wanted to do any of the faddish diets as I looooove food too much. Total foodie, love to try everything. I just cut out the real junk stuff I was eating, made generally "better food choices" in terms of not regularly eating fast food and eating more fresh food, and dialed down my portions. This was a sustainable method for me, keeping the 50 pounds off for the last 9 years (and keeping me at my high school/university fittest weight) while allowing me to not feel deprived of any type of food, indulging when desired.

Got into a very, very stressful time a while back and put on some more weight. I'm back in to the above habits and rapidly getting back in to shape.

It is truly amazing, though, the addictive effect junky processed food can have. I mean, it could just take over my brain. But once my "switch" went on back to healthier food, the cravings essentially ceased. Weird stuff.
This is true.
But if every morning you eat cornflakes with cow milk from a bottle, you eat what we call here dead food.
95% of milk you buy in a bottle is heated at ultra high temp (UHT 285°F) it means all the vitamins are destroyed. When the milk is put in a bottle vitamins are added but what you drink is not milk anymore, it's just something white, dead, that does nothing good for your bones.
The glycemic index of corn flakes is very high i.e. 82.
about cornflakes
Don't drink milk. Except of course in coffee. Vitamins are over rated. Skip the cornflakes, just carbs. Carbs are generally the bad actor in our diets. If its white don't eat it.
Don't drink milk. Except of course in coffee. Vitamins are over rated. Skip the cornflakes, just carbs. Carbs are generally the bad actor in our diets. If its white don't eat it.

No can do.

I love milk!!!

And sometimes cornflakes.
Don't drink milk. Except of course in coffee. Vitamins are over rated. Skip the cornflakes, just carbs. Carbs are generally the bad actor in our diets. If its white don't eat it.
Screw the milk, But Life without pasta? Ain't gonna happen! :)
Screw the milk, But Life without pasta? Ain't gonna happen! :)

My wife is italian, we eat pasta and pizza... and red wine.
I mean not much to say on this topic. The vegan diet takes the crown in terms of health metrics. Not to even mention the philosophical perspective of ethics/morality, and of course the environmental impact that is lessened with such a diet.

It's more of a lifestyle than simply a diet once you approach it from an ethics perspective though.
The beauty of it all is that , at least at this moment, we all get to eat what we prefer. I drink my coffee every morning with half and half. If I had to choose between having coffee with half and half and starving the rest of the time, I would lose a lot of weight. Elixir of the gods.

I like pasta but it doesn't like me. The Mrs is Italian and Greek so she and the boys eat a lot of it.
yeah I was joking, go for the milk, dead or alive (UHT or low temp milk).

You should read the book "MILK, the deadly poison" by Robert Cohen.
There is a similar book published in France


Lait de vache : blancheur trompeuse >> Cow milk : deceptive whiteness
Méfiez-vous des faux amis ! >> Beware of fake friends !
Then there is a french word called "vacherie" it's made with the word "vache" in english "cow".... "vacherie" means "not good at all" when talking about food, plus the word is at least used for more than a century.

Milk contains a product called casein (in french caséine) during centuries casein has been used as glue. When you drink milk you absorb casein...
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Not to even mention the philosophical perspective of ethics/morality

I'm not taking a shot at you personally with the following, but it's an argument I've heard many times before. However, there are a few things I'd like to point out:

We're apex predators. While that might be an uncomfortable realization for some, all the evidence is there to support this. Fortunately, we're also omnivorous generalists when it comes to our diet; A number of other apex predators are, though - Ex. Wolves, other Great Apes, etc. etc.. So we don't need to eat meat, but we can and do. And, this is advantagous as it's energy dense, and we don't have to expend too much energy trying to obtain it, thus leading to a calorific deficit.

It's been suggested by evolutionary biology, that meat eating allowed for rapid brain development in our hominid ancestors all those millions of years ago as well - i. e. We got smarter because of it.

I, for one, am quite happy to live in keeping with my biology; I've hunted, I've killed, I've eaten what I've killed. Hunting isn't a sport I participate in any longer, by the way. And as purely sport, it's not something that I condone. But, if one needs to hunt to feed one's self and/or loved ones, I've absolutely no problem with it and wholeheartedly support them doing so. By the way, we got smarter about our hunting with the domestication of animals; I grew up on and around farms as well.

I was vegan, by the way, at one point in my life; I'd been meditating a lot at the time, and became hypersensitive to the idea of meat eating after watching a cooking competition - the scene was bloody. It lasted some months, and I happily became omnivorous again afterwards... :cool:
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Milk contains a product called casein (in french caséine) during centuries casein has been used as glue. When you drink milk you absorb casein...

"Casein (/ˈkeɪsiːɪn/ "KAY-see-in", from Latin caseus "cheese") pronounced "kay-seen" in British English, is a family of related phosphoproteins (αS1, αS2, β, κ). These proteins are commonly found in mammalian milk, comprising c. 80% of the proteins in cow's milk and between 20% and 45% of the proteins in human milk.[1] Sheep and buffalo milk have a higher casein content than other types of milk with human milk having a particularly low casein content.[2]

Casein has a wide variety of uses, from being a major component of cheese, to use as a food additive.[3] The most common form of casein is sodium caseinate.[4]

As a food source, casein supplies amino acids, carbohydrates, and two essential elements, calcium and phosphorus.[5]"

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