Asking this question because you see the 'technology' printout for all these cable manufacturers and does any of it actually make any sense to an electrical engineer here? Some of these cable companies even say stuff that directly contradict what other cable companies say!
A few examples of what these companies say about their technology:
Morrow Audio:
A few examples of what these companies say about their technology:
Morrow Audio:
Under the insulation of a cable, you will most likely find tiny bare wire strands all twisted together. This is called stranded wire. In stranded wire designs, the strands touch each other thousands of times at various points along the length of the wire, causing the signal to jump from strand to strand instead of flowing through a solid continuum.
The results are phase distortions at each point where the strands come into contact, causing distortion of the signal; blurred imaging, lost soundstage cues, bloated and non-defined bass, etc. Details like the 3rd and 4th echo off the hall, subtle harmonics and depth are lost.
Unfortunately, all common box store cables that one can buy use stranded wire in their design. Likewise, the cables you found in the box with your equipment are stranded. If you have such cables in your system, you will hear a profound and dramatic improvement with our properly designed cables.
The most mentioned improvement is that the soundstage doubles or even triples in size; left to right width and front to back depth is greatly increased. Some of our customers have even been able to identify in their recordings instrument brands and concert halls when using our cables, all of the harmonics come through to allow that.
The Morrow Audio Design:
Morrow Audio signal cables use ONLY solid core OFC (oxygen free copper) wire, NEVER stranded. This is the first "S" in our technology. We eliminate all stranded wire distortion effects by using only solid core wire. You will hear much more information in your music that was lost from the smearing effect that stranded wire produces. Our cables contain multiple runs of wire. They are mono strands, individually insulated from each other. These multiple runs yield a profound and realistic presentation of the music.
Different frequencies tend to ride at various depths in the wire structure; the highs, mids and lows tend to separate which cause time and phase errors in the signal. This is commonly known as the "skin effect". When a large gauge wire is used, this problem is even greater, resulting in phase and timing errors. The soundstage is reduced and instrument timbre is distorted.
The Morrow Audio Design:
Morrow Audio signal cables ONLY use a small gauge wire. This is the second "S" in our technology. The different frequencies ride at the same plane in the wire, resulting in less phase and timing errors. A more accurate sound is the result. The soundstage is huge, instrument timber is accurate, it seems like the performers are in your room.
Some cable designs use large cable jackets or even heavy insulators to insulate their cable.
Inside common cable designs are internal conductors with an extruded insulation of some sort. The insulation material is in close and immediate contact with the conductor along its entire length. One of these conductors might be in the form of a wire mesh that surrounds the center conductor, acting as a shield from RFI.
Wrapped around all this is the outer casing of the cable, made out of rubber, PVC, Teflon or some other material.
These insulation elements all form the dielectric of the wire, which has a tendency to absorb and release energy to and from the conductors. This occurrence produces a negative sonic affect; smearing of the signal and other distortions. The greater the number of insulating layers there are, the greater this distortion will be. The thickness of these layers is also a factor of concern, with thicker layers being the worst.
Have you ever heard of speaker cable lifts? They are little stands that lift the cables off the floor, improving the sound. The improvement comes by keeping the electrical field from reflecting back into the cable off the floor. Why then do cable manufacturers apply decorative mesh, thick insulation and other signal distorting elements in their design?
The Morrow Audio Design:
Morrow Audio cables DO NOT use heavy insulators. Each strand of wire is individually insulated from one another and are held together with cotton weaving. This is then covered with the outer nylon mesh that you see on the outside of the cable. This is the "I" in our technology. This allows the least amount of reflection back into the cable, retaining the quality of the music you love.
With the Morrow Audio cables, your music flows unhindered, resulting in greater realism as well as a longer and more enjoyable listening session. Those who have have heard our cables describe it as a "Listening Experience".
The goal of Wireworld’s patented DNA* HELIX cable technology is to enable listeners to experience their music without the losses and colorations normally caused by cables. Polygraph testing shows that the primary sonic effects of cables are caused by electromagnetic effects. The effect called eddy current resistance, which increases as strands are twisted, is especially problematic because it masks quiet musical details. To overcome those issues, the strands in the DNA HELIX designs are completely parallel, providing the most direct signal path for the lowest eddy current resistance. These parallel strands run within layered flat conductors that channel electromagnetic energy and reject interference. Furthermore, in the analog cables, the spacing between the positive and negative conductors is fine-tuned by ear to match the pure sound of a direct connection. The effect of that tuning is like focusing a lens, with the beautiful textures and dynamics of live music coming into vivid 3-D focus when the spacing is just right. (*Delineated Neutralizing Array)
UNI-PATH™ – The Uni-Path design provides similar advantages to the more complex DNA HELIX® design in high speed digital applications. Uni-Path designs improve both electromagnetic efficiency and shielding to provide superior waveform preservation. This innovation enables more of the original signal information to be reproduced, improving both sound and imaging.
FLUXFIELD™ – The Fluxfield design in our full-sized power conditioning cords features 24 insulated wires coiled around flat inner cores to maximize inductive and capacitive filtering. Twin high-density shields prevent noise from entering or radiating outward. These unique elements minimize noise and line resonances, especially with longer lengths. The flat, flexible design coils effortlessly for easy handling. The mini power cords use a simpler version of the Fluxfield design to improve the fidelity of low powered components.
SILVER-TUBE™ PLUGS – The idea behind developing plugs that surpass all others in design and material was based on a simple question; why bother perfecting cables if the plugs take away from their performance? After all, the cable can't let you hear all of the music if it’s losing information at the connection. Enter the patented Silver-Tube Plug (U.S. Patent 5,413,503). With silver-clad tubular OFC contacts, DuPont Delrin insulators and a proprietary silicone rubber tension band for a perfect grip, Silver-Tube plugs provide the highest conductivity of any RCA plugs in the world.
A common misconception is that the gauge of a speaker wire is all that matters. Heavier is better, right? Wrong. Gauge can make a difference, but testing has taught us that cable design and material quality can have an even greater impact on the sound we hear. That is why we focus on developing the most efficient designs and producing them with the best quality materials available in each price range. For example, the conductors in our least expensive cables are oxygen-free copper and our ultimate cables use the world’s best conductor, Ohno Continuous-Cast® 7 Nines (99.99999%) pure solid silver.
COMPOSILEX® 3 Insulation
Beyond the advantages of the best conductor materials, our third generation composite insulation, COMPOSILEX 3, preserves the purity of the signal by minimizing triboelectric noise better than any conventional low loss insulation material, including DuPont Teflon®. COMPOSILEX 3 provides rewarding improvements in vividness, focus and dynamic contrast. With these innovations, Wireworld Series 8 high-end cables have advanced the art of reproducing the power and delicacy of music.
When cables are manufactured they do not automatically have any directionality. However, as they break in, they acquire directionality.
Small impurities in the conductor act as diodes, allowing signal flow to be better in one direction over time. Regardless of the purity of the metal used, there are diode effects in all conductors. Additionally, the insulation material changes when it is subjected to an electrical field.
All Nordost cables are directional. This is especially true for single ended (RCA) interconnects because the shield is connected at the source (or output) end only.
Micro Mono-Filament technology refers to Nordost’s patented process of separating the conductor from its FEP insulation. During production, each conductor is intricately and uniformly wrapped in a single strand (Micro) before being encased in an extruded layer of high quality FEP. The process for DMF is very similar, except that instead of a single strand, the conductor is wrapped in a twisted pair (Dual) of FEP Mono-Filament before the extrusion layer. This highly precise process allows every conductor to be surrounded by its own air dielectric. This revolutionary insulation process is directly responsible for the dramatic increase of signal speeds and excellent mechanical damping found in Nordost cables.
By analyzing the natural resonances of conductors, we have derived a proprietary formula to determine the optimal length of each cable, according to its unique geometry. By ensuring that the conductors are cut to these specific lengths, we maximize the sonic performance of our cables, eliminating timing errors.
HOLOLUG® connectors are low mass, high end, connectors that are designed to seamlessly fit the internal geometry of each individual cable that they house. HOLOLUG® connectors are the perfect marriage of electrical and mechanical tuning, allowing Nordost to have complete control of our highest quality interfaces—not only of the cable itself, but from end to end. HOLOLUG® connectors are used on Nordost’s Reference and Supreme Reference Cables.
Total Signal Control, or TSC, describes the shielding used on our Supreme Reference cables. TSC allows cables to maintain the integrity of signal transfer while protecting conductors from the electrical pollution produced by RFI and EMI. When paired with our patented HOLOLUG® connectors, TSC provides 100% total shield coverage without the rigidity that is associated with other shielded cables.
AudioQuest:The subject of George's US Patent 7,674,973, Matched Propagation solves an age old problem with transmission line conductors dating to the early days of the telephone. You can read more here, but here's a summary:
The audio signal travels through a cable at basically the speed of light. The dielectric (surrounding) materials charge and discharge at about 70% the speed of light. This mismatch in speed results in a loss of intelligibility. In a Matched Propagation conductor, each strand of wire is exactly the same length, and twisted at a pitch that makes each strand 30% longer than the cable itself. We're slowing down the signal to match that of the dielectrics. This solves the intelligibility issues that early telephone engineers faced, and that causes a degradation in sound in otherwise highly articulate audio systems. The telephone companies installed coil boxes on the cables to address the issue, but the was an after-the-fact solution. The Cardas Matched Propagation solution solves the problem within the cable, every inch of the way. Such that the loss of intelligibility never happens in the first place.
Cardas' patented, Matched Propagation cables (US Patent 7,674,973) address a core problem that is intrinsic to all cables (audio, telephone, data, etc.), matching the signal propagation velocity of the conductor to that of the dielectric quite clearly improves the sound of audio transmission.
The best solid insulating materials transfer charge 22% slower than standard conductors. This is a mismatch that can be corrected in only one way; you must match the velocity of the conductor to that of the dielectric in the cable itself. Networks, working after the fact, cannot restore lost low level information or the lost time integrity of the music.
Cardas' ingenious, patented solution uses a precisely controlled coated strand geometry to mitigate the effects of cable capacitance continuously in the cable. This technique eliminates the low level smearing and preserves musical integrity and dynamic range by correcting an imbalance in the basic velocity relationship of the cable's conductors and dielectric.
Matched propagation cables preserve phase, dramatically lower resonance effects, have a huge dynamic range and amazing resolution. They preserve low level detail, leading edge integrity and accurately preserve the heart, soul and emotion in the music. Matched Propagation technology brings unprecedented clarity and realism to your listening experience. Matched Propagation technology can be found in all cables in our Clear product line, and in our Parsec Interconnect.
Golden Section Stranding mathematically eliminates resonant multiples in conductors by sequencing strand masses and their associated inductive effects in an irrational progression.
A great cable has the best dielectrics and conductors, and the geometry to match one to the other. Golden ratio constant "Q" conductors (GRCQ) correct conductor problems and match dielectric propagation velocity. Interior propagation of solid strands slows in proportion to strand size and signal change, resulting in eddy currents, skin effect, "Q" fluctuations and conductor resonance. Cardas individually insulates strands and proportions their size to depth in conductor, eliminating eddy currents, "Q" fluctuations and resonance. Strands are precisely layered to match dielectric materials and cable type. Golden Ratio keys into the proportioning of conductors and dielectric as elegantly as it does into music and nature itself.
Alternating current can shake a wire like a guitar string. The audio signal in a stereo system is seen as alternating current. The audio signal, be it digital or analog, through tube or solid state, is always alternating current.
The signal's cyclic effect, causes all the wire in the system to vibrate and ring. This ring becomes a song sung to the resonance of the electrical and mechanical components of the cable.
Every interconnect, every speaker cable, every chassis and speaker wire has its own song. The stored mechanical and electrical tension and time delay characteristics of the cable determine what song is sung.
Each and every strand in a cable has its own note or beat. Two or more wires of the same mass and tension have common mechanical resonating points and share the same note. Two or more wires or bundles of wires, differing in size, each have their own resonant points. When combined, wires find new points of interaction, creating yet another note.
The sound produced by any stereo system depends on the purity of the audio signal. When the cable that links all the components together imparts its own sound the audio signal is corrupted.
There is a unique way to eliminate the harmonic or resonant effect produced by the conductor itself. Create a multiple strand conductor, where the individual strands share no common mathematical node or resonant point and layer them to cancel the noise they each create.
An infinitely indivisible progression known as the Fibonacci sequence or Golden Section is the key to resonance control. The ratio of Phi, or 1 to infinity, is the Golden Mean, called Golden Ratio or Golden Proportion.
In Golden Section Stranding, strands are arranged so that every strand is coupled to another, whose note is irrational with its own, to dissipate conductor resonance. This creates a silenced conductor, allowing Cardas cable to produce the purest possible audio signal. No other cable geometry, no other conductor design, can create the listening magic of Golden Section Stranding.
The root or power plant of conductor oscillation is stored and reflected energy. The progressively layered constant Q conductors effectively attenuate this energy.
Cardas cables employ a unique stranding method where the smaller strands are placed towards the interior of the conductor in Golden Proportion. This is called constant "Q" stranding. It is a very effective method for reducing the inductively stored and reflected energy that fuels cable resonance.
Cardas uses pure copper, Litz wire, pure PFA and air dielectrics, ultra pure eutectic solders, custom made rhodium plated connectors and each cable is terminated by hand. It is this meticulous attention to the details of design and care in construction that have made Cardas the heart of the most uniquely musical systems in the world.
Solid conductors prevent strand-interaction, a major source of dynamic distortion in cables.
A carefully finessed combination of our highest-quality copper, Perfect-Surface Copper+, and extreme-purity Perfect-Surface Silver, greatly minimize distortion caused by grain boundaries.
Alternating layers of metal and carbon-loaded synthetics "shield the shield," minimizing RF noise before it reaches the layer attached to ground.
ZERO-Tech eliminates the electrostatic field between the cable’s high and low signal conductors, enabling linear Radio Frequency (RF) Noise-Dissipation, and uncompressed transients.
72v Dielectric-Bias System (DBS) saturates and polarizes insulation, allowing clear, dynamic sound against a quiet “black” background.
All conductors controlled for RF-noise directionality.
The 6068’s all silver (VariStrand & solid core silver conductors) design delivers maximum fidelity within the series by virtue of silver’s superior conductivity (6% greater than copper). Low level dynamics are revealed with the utmost delicacy and precision. The reproduction of space within the soundstage is at its best with the 6068
All I hear is a bunch of jargon about semi-technical terms like 'eddy currents' 'skin effect' 'dialectric' etc ( probably to convince the consumer that these companies with their big vocabulary must know what they are talking about ) and some of them even contradict each other (Morrow for example charges money for people to use their burn in machine service! whereas Cardas says burn in machines don't have any effect).ΞTRON® is a technology developed by Shunyata Research that prevents dielectric absorption and re-radiation in signal transmission. It requires a special type of conductor that has two signal paths and an electric field compensation circuit that creates a cancellation signal that prevents the insulation from developing a charge. ΞTRON® cables preserve the integrity of the source signal even when using very long runs of cable.
ArNi® is a type of wire created by Shunyata Research designed to be the finest quality wire available for audio purposes. It begins with the highest purity of copper available – OFE C10100 or Ohno (single crystal). Then it is formed in virtual hollow tubes eliminating skin effects and eddy current distortions. A premium fluorocarbon insulation minimizes dielectric absorption and re-radiation, greatly improving resolution and clarity. In addition, the wire undergoes our proprietary KPIP™ process.
Shunyata Research’s exclusive VTX™ conductors are made in the shape of virtual tubes. The core of the conductor is completely hollow minimizing skin effects and random eddy currents. They are produced using OFE Alloy-101.
Ohno wire, also called PCOCC was invented in 1986 by professor Atsumi Ohno of the Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan. Copper wire is created by an extrusion process that pulls a rod of cold copper through a small orifice which creates multiple crystalline boundaries. By contrast, Ohno wire is made by a process using heated molds that cast a wire to form a single crystalline structure. Ohno wire is well known for its exceptionally pure, grain-free sonic qualities.
TAP (Transverse Axial Polarizer) is a device that interacts with the electromagnetic field generated by the signal traveling along the signal cable. TAP improves the sonic performance of the cable by modifying the behavior of the electromagnetic wave that surrounds the signal cable. In effect, the TAP blocks longitudinal-oriented waves while passing transverse-oriented waves. The effect in sonic terms is like using polarized sunglasses to reduce reflected sunlight. Correcting polarization micro-distortion reduces what some call sonic glare.
KPIP™ (Kinetic Phase Inversion Process) was developed by Caelin Gabriel after years of research into the underlying causes of various effects such as burn-in, wire directionality and the effects of cryogentic treatment. He discovered that there was an underlying core principle that burn-in and cryogenics only “partially” addressed. Once the governing principle was understood it became possible to create a processing technique and machine that could virtually eliminate the need for burn-in and cryogenic treatment.
Shunyata’s VTX-Ag cables are uniquely constructed with both an inner, center conductor made of pure silver and an outer concentric ring conductor made of pure copper. It’s made using the finest fluorocarbon insulation to minimize dielectric absorption and re-radiation which translates to an improvement in resolution and clarity. VTX-Ag delivers the speed and clarity of silver and the midrange warmth and three dimensional power in the lower octaves of copper without imparting any of the negatives associated with either metal. – The best qualities of silver and copper combined
HARP was discovered through Gabriel’s research into ‘current drift’ and audio frequency current resonances that occur in speaker cables. Theoretically, a speaker cable may develop current resonances in the audio band, being roughly analogous to standing waves (modals) in room acoustics. The HARP module acts as a current mode diffraction device that breaks up these resonances, improving the perceived resolution and coherency of the system.
Shunyata Research uses only the highest purity of copper available for the production of its wire products. OFE Alloy 101 or C10100 is the highest grade of copper with a minimum 99.99% purity and a conductivity rating of 101% IACS. OFE stands for oxygen-free electrolytic and supersedes the term OFHC (oxygen-free high conductivity). C10100 is the only grade of copper that comes with a written certification of purity. Certified by ASTM F68 C10100.
Crimping, soldering, brazing and cold soldering are all inferior methods of joining two wires or terminals together. Sonic welding uses high energy sonic waves to literally join two metals together at a molecular level. There is no solder or intermediary metals involved in the process.
KPIP™ (Kinetic Phase Inversion Process) was developed by Caelin Gabriel after years of research into the underlying causes of various effects such as burn-in, wire directionality and the effects of cryogentic treatment. He discovered that there was an underlying core principle that burn-in and cryogenics only “partially” addressed. Once the governing principle was understood it became possible to create a processing technique and machine that could virtually eliminate the need for burn-in and cryogenic treatment.