i do not think that and you are imposing and suggesting i am saying something i am not. i said when it comes to a test of speaker wire to determine what minuscule changes they may have if any.....the test should be done eliminating all issues of contention and thus also provide the best scenario possible for a decent outcome. the fact that myself or other have contended to the cables audio blind tests performed that were flawed is certainly factual demonstration that a blind test on cables could be done better and with a suitable system or systems with various low and high end cables.
ill wait.
the claims of blind testing cables right now from every video and written piece ive seen is flawed.
So when all the contentions you can imagine are removed, probably unnecessarily as you can't seem to accept the science anyway, and exactly the same results are achieved, as they will be, what then? If not you, someone else is going to turn up with more "contentions", and we get another go around the merry-go-round.
And all because people won't accept the actual science, the proper tests and the measurements.
Now, I'm actually quite happy to accept that most and maybe all of the listening tests you may have found in YouTube and on forums are in fact flawed. Most listening tests that get brought up in this very forum are actually flawed. Even peer reviewed tests in the scientific literature are known to be flawed.
So I have no problem with that part of your argument, and congratulate you on your scepticism.
However, you seem to want to go on from there to reject the actual science that tells us how we can conduct tests, and you at least imply that you want to reject all blind tests.
I've given you a simple introduction to the science around the memory time.
@Killingbeans has explained that switches don't necessarily invalidate testing. You now have improved tools for judging tests rather than imposing a new standard of your own that is actually unlikely to work.
Remember also that the "blind testing" people here are also the "science" people and the "measurement" people. The thing is that everything from the standard model of electricity, through metallurgy and testing of metals, through measurements of difference (or lack of) in actual cables, through the models of human hearing and testing of what we can hear, through correctly conducted testing, tells the same truth.
No high end cable manufacturer has ever properly shown a real audible difference either. They make remarkable claims (anyone for custom quantum tunneling?) but even in their patents, it seems that the evidence for audibility comes down to claims that "the office junior plugged in the cables and heard something different". It is not for you or I to prove their claims or otherwise... it is for them to give proof of such remarkable claims.
While we can reject a lot of flawed blind testing, we should at the same time accept that these people tried. I see no evidence anywhere that the likes of Crystal Cable, Synergistic Research or any of the companies you listed in your first post have
ever published research to show that their cables actually sound different - no definitive measurement, not even flawed blind testing. You want to be sceptical? Start there, hold those companies to the same standards as the YouTubers and the forumites. They fall short by an even greater margin.