The assertion was [paraphrasing] people who don't think they need subs have never heard a system with well-placed, well-integrated subs.
I disagree, because:
1. I have heard many systems with well-integrated subs, including my current system, and;
2. Most of the music I enjoy has very little, if any, content below 40Hz, and my F206 have an in-room F3 of 32Hz, which is low enough to cover almost everything I need. In addition to my AVR with subs, I have a pathway that is laptop w/ Dirac -> Schiit Modius -> Peachtree Nova300 -> F206. Even though I have a very good sub integration with the AVR, and I have Audyssey and Dirac set up with very similar target curves, both limited to under 1KHz, I generally enjoy the sub-less pathway more. I cannot explain why, other than to say it sounds more "natural" to me. I have never tried to quantify that thought further, and;
3. With 300WPC at 8 Ohms and 500WPC at 4 Ohms available, and Dirac correcting the bass frequencies, there is plenty of visceral impact without subs in my small room, and I cannot hear any distortion, and;
4. Sweeping generalizations rooted in assumptions are pointless.
Movies are a different story, of course.
Pathways available in my media room:
View attachment 272677
Sub integration results with 80Hz crossover:
View attachment 272678
View attachment 272679