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PreSonus E5 XT Active Speaker Review

Audio interfaces? Scenarios?

You really don't understand anechoic measurements of speakers, do you?

Please read post #1 in this thread carefully, then read the post #97 above from dominikz, then read Dr. Toole's book, then get back to us.

When you join a forum and immediately tell the people that they are doing the tests wrong, all the while demonstrating that you don't even understand the tests, well, you're gonna get pushback.

From the opening post in this thread:

"Measurements that you are about to see were performed using the Klippel Near-field Scanner (NFS). This is a robotic measurement system that analyzes the speaker all around and is able (using advanced mathematics and dual scan) to subtract room reflections (so where I measure it doesn't matter). It also measures the speaker at close distance ("near-field") which sharply reduces the impact of room noise. Both of these factors enable testing in ordinary rooms yet results that can be more accurate than an anechoic chamber. In a nutshell, the measurements show the actual sound coming out of the speaker independent of the room."
After taking a good look at the measurements again, the Presonus seems to nail directivity pretty well(even compared to options like the LP6 and 305P MKII), and THD is also not far off from either two speakers. The only real problem with this monitor looks to lie in the on axis FR, which is very much EQable, so I'm actually curious how these would stack up against others like the JBL and Kali's if all of the speakers were given an option to EQ the response. What do y'all think, am I right in believing that the E5 XT could be a much better monitor if the FR wasn't as poor as it was?
am I right in believing that the E5 XT could be a much better monitor if the FR wasn't as poor as it was?
Well, put this way... isn't it the same as: this thing could be good, if it wasn't so bad... :D
Well, put this way... isn't it the same as: this thing could be good, if it wasn't so bad... :D
The thing about the Presonus is that it's one big flaw is easily fixable on the user end, that being through EQ. So honestly, imo at least, this could actually stand toe to toe with some of the popular offerings, if not surpass them, but it's as long as you're willing to EQ the set.
The thing about the Presonus is that it's one big flaw is easily fixable on the user end, that being through EQ. So honestly, imo at least, this could actually stand toe to toe with some of the popular offerings, if not surpass them, but it's as long as you're willing to EQ the set.
From this POV I stand with you, as a proud owner of E5 XT's. I must admit that I do not stress them to the limit (I listen ordinarily at about 60 to 70 dB, a good 30 to 40 below their max capacity...) and distortion or bass rattle is absolutely not an issue, at all. For the price, IMO, good-to-excellent near-field things.
And how does the non XT version performs (The Presonus Eris E5)?
Also wouldn't adjusting the treble and bass improve the frequency response?
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