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- #461
Thank you for your point. Even though I will continue using my L&R sub-woofers Yamaha YST-SW1000, I feel the 60 Hz - 500 Hz response of AMPHION Argon 3S rather disappointing.
The Magico A1 is a wonderful speaker. So much cool technology.Only if I do not care about the price, I assume MAGICO A1, 6.5" Graphen Nano-Tec Midbass, 48 lbs. (22 kg!), would be the best choice.
The dimensions, 15.6”H x 12”D x 8.5”W (39.62cm x 30.48cm x 21.59cm), as well as the aesthetic elements look perfect for my possible setup.
View attachment 165744
View attachment 165745
I found the Fq response data here, and again I would like to use it together with L&R sub-woofers YST-SW1000. MAGICO A1 would be my another dream SP.
Not in A+B mode. That is going to be a difficult load for sure. In single speaker mode the A-S3000 will suffice. With both the A1 and the NS-1000 in parallel the minimum impedance will be ~1.88ΩI will first to try driving A1s by SP-B (SpeakerOut -B) of Yamaha A-S3000 amplifier which also drives my present Yamaha woofers by SP-A output, so that I will easily and flexibly hear SP-A only, SP-B only, and even SP-A+SP-B, using the SP selector of Yamaha A-S3000. I believe Yamaha A-S3000 (spec here) is powerful enough driving Magico A1, isn't it?
You can find them on ebay. (btw the bliesma Be dome specs just got released)if you decide not to build and you want to sell the JA-801 I would be interested.
HiLet me go back to the full ASIO I/O with EKIO.
Edit on October 29, 2021 adding one sentence:
I also summarized the contents of this post at here for easier understandings.
Since EKIO does not have its own ASIO driver (but DePhonica has it), we need to install these three before EKIO;
VB-Audio Virtual Cable;
VBCABLE_Driver_Pack43.zip (1.09 MB - OCT 2015), Donationware
VB-Audio Hi-Fi CABLE & ASIO Bridge;
HiFiCableAsioBridgeSetup_v1007.zip (3.82 MB - MAR 2014) , Donationware
ASIO4ALL 2.14;
ASIO4ALL_2_14_English.exe (452 KB - MAY 2017)
I recommend you to install these three in this order, and just for sure, you may reboot your Windows 10 PC three times after each installation.
Then finally you need to install EKIO;
Ekio- (6.5MB, now Version, US$149 Net Price for one license)
You can install EKIO in multiple PCs, and the purchased one license can activate only one PC's EKIO at one time.
Again, I recommend you to reboot your PC after installing EKIO.
VB-Audio Virtual Cable, VB-Audio Hi-Fi CABLE & ASIO Bridge and ASIO4ALL automatically start-up with Windows 10 boot, but it takes a little while, ca. 10 - 20 sec, to fully start-up and sit behind all the sound features. You should not, therefore, be in a hurry to start Roon, Jriver MC, etc., as well as EKIO before the complete sitting of VB-Audio Virtual Cable, VB-Audio Hi-Fi CABLE & ASIO Bridge and ASIO4ALL.
We should understand that ASIO4ALL is not only a universal ASIO driver but also a dominating software sitting in front of all the available ASIO and WDM audio devices.
Edit on October 29, 2021 adding this one additional diagram:
View attachment 161911
Like many other currently available crossover solutions, EKIO is a software crossover handling and processing all the sound in 24bit 192kHz, we should be careful enough to configure all the I/O in 24bit 192kHz. I will discuss the total sound quality of EKIO later on; here I just inform you that EKIO's sound quality is really nice even in 24bit 192kHz processing.
Now let me show you the full ASIO I/O establishment into/from EKIO with using JRiver MC26 as music player.
For your first trial, I would suggest to start and configure JRiver before the start-up of EKIO. Now you can select ASIO4ALL v2 (ASIO) driver as Audio Device for JRiver;
View attachment 57975
In the ... DSP & out put format (DSP Studio), all should be set in 192kHz;
View attachment 57976
and "Bitstreaming" should be "None" to make sure all the DSD music should be also down-sampled into 192 kHz 24bit.
View attachment 57977
Now you may start playing a music track, and ASIO4ALLv2 - Media Center26 icon appears in task bar, click it. You can see ASIO4ALL is dominating all the sound devices;
View attachment 57978
If not selected, just select only "VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable" - Out: 8x8-384kHz, 24Bits. And for the first time, set the Latency Compesation and ASIO Buffer size as sown above. The change of the setting forces JRiver to stop playing, then you may again direct JRiver to play a music track; now the ASIO4ALL - Media Center panel is in all OK status as shown above.
Now in the backyard, VB-Audio Hi-Fi CABLE & ASIO Bridge is allocating/bridging the music signal into "VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable in:" for EKIO's processing.
OK, while JRiver is playing a music track, you may start EKIO and open one of your EKIO configuration files, like the one example for my 10-channel simulation configuration, then go to Settings to select 192000 Sampling Rate and ASIO4ALL driver with 5120 buffer size;
View attachment 57996
Now the second ASIO4ALL icon of "ASIO4ALL v2 - Ekio" appears in task bar, click it;
View attachment 57997
Select only "VB Audio Hi-Fi Cable" - "In: 8x8-384kHz, 24Bits" and your DAC ASIO driver to which you would like to send the crossover channels, in this example I use "OPPO Sonica DAC USB AUDIO2.0 ASIO". For the first time, also set the Latency Compensation and ASIO Buffer Size as shown above. In order to reflect these ASIO4ALL setting for EKIO, you do need to go back to EKIO's "Settings", select "None" at the Driver selection, and then select "ASIO4ALL" again. Please check the ASIO4ALL -EKIO is OK now as shown in the above image.
Then we may go to Inputs/Outputs panel, where you can select VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable 1 for INPUT-L channel, and VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable 2 for INPUT-R channel;View attachment 58000
Also now you may allocate each of the output channels into your DAC. In this example, I allocated all the channels into my OPPO SONICA DAC appearing as "DAC USB AUDIO 2.0 DAC1" for L channels, and "DAC USB AUDIO 2.0 DAC2" for R channels.
View attachment 58009
Go to the Routing panel to check and confirm the proper routing;
View attachment 58002
Finally, you would go back to the Inputs/Outputs panel, and please push the "STOPPED" button at the upper right corner to change into "PLAYING". Now you can see and hear that EKIO is playing by sending all the channels into your selected DAC;
View attachment 58003
You may see and check that ASIO BRIDGE is working in the backyard by clicking the ASIO BRIDGE icon in the task bar;
View attachment 58004
You may also go to the Windows Kernel Mixer, and check the all the devices in Sound-Off but still you can see and hear the music through EKIO without using Windows WASAPI and Kernel Mixer;
View attachment 58005
This is what I could establish full ASIO I/O into/from EKIO, and we can do essentially the same with Roon.
In case you would like to hear YouTube, streaming radio, etc. using your preferred web browser, just select Hi-Fi Cable Input as default audio device and configure it in 24bit 192kHz so that EKIO can process it; sorry about my Windows is in Japanese but it should be well understandable for you all;View attachment 58006
I hope some of you would join me in trying EKIO, and share, as well as discuss, about it in this thread.
BTW, SEAS's sole import dealer in Japan currently do not list XM001-04 L26ROY, and I have sent my inquiry to the dealer for the availability with proper warranties; I know that I may place order at a few of European web shops, though.
L26ROY is a fine woofer, but if it is not available to you under the conditions you want there are plenty of reasonable alternatives for your application. Three that spring to mind are the 10" ScanSpeak Discovery (the sub not the woofer), Tymphany/Peerless SDF, and SB Acoustics SW26 shallow.
Thank you for the clear instructions to achieve multichannel output of 192000 using these drivers and J. River. I have a great many albums in multichannel formats above that bitrate. The DAC8Pro will play DSD128 in native 5.1 using J.River, only if I don't specify an output format in the DSP Studio. If I do, the Okto plays loud static from all channels until I manually power cycle it. If I try sending it multichannel DSD256 and above J.River complains it can't output. I am not concerned with 2 channel DSD256 as I use my Topping DX7Pro as a preamp and send that through a 3x3 XLR switcher to my amp.
TLDR: How do I resample multichannel DSD256 and above to the Okto atDSD128? I've tried HQPlayer, Foobar2000 and Roon with the same results as J.River.
Hello friends,
I am still just planning and simulating SEAS XM001-04 L26ROY woofer (sub-woofer) in sealed (or ported) cabinet to be added in my setup which would be directly and dedicatedly driven by the amplifier Yamaha A-S3000 currently driving Yamaha NS-1000's 30 cm woofer JA-3058; I will be able to select either of L26ROY and JA-3058 depending on my (arbitrary?) preference and/or gerne of the music by Amplifier A-S3000's speaker selection switch, Speaker-A or Speaker-B.
I recently found this interesting article at Troels Gravesen's site. The author of the article, John, has DIY built L26ROY in 40L sealed (looks so) cabinet, and he wrote;
> So how does it sound? All told very well, the bass is very tight with no boom and I can now play Hot Chip’s “Coming On Strong” CD without having to worry that the W18E001’s cones popping out of their cores.
I assume the air pressure damping of 40L sealed cabinet would effectively contribute to the "very tight with no boom" of the bass sound.
Having this encouraging article, together with my very nice on-going PM discussions with @headshake and @gene_stl, I am also designing and simulating a cubic cabinet for L26ROY in outer dimension of W415 x H415 x D415 mm (W16.34" x H16.34" x D16.34") with two 5 cm (1.97") diameter bass-reflex ports (can be tightly closed to change into sealed cabinet) on the front;
View attachment 173326
If I would build this cubic cabinet with hard board of 35 mm (1.38") thickness, then the inner air volume would be ca. 41L.
Even after having suitable inner corner treatments and reinforcement frames/crosspieces, the inner volume could be 38L - 40L, quite similar to the above article's DIY build.
As I really also would like to test/evaluate the front bass-reflex design (trade-off between fast transient kick-up/fade-out responses and low frequency limit, I understand), either or both of the ports would be tightly closed with disks and screws.
BTW, SEAS's sole import dealer in Japan currently do not list XM001-04 L26ROY, and I have sent my inquiry to the dealer for the availability with proper warranties; I know that I may place order at a few of European web shops, though.
In consideration of my listening room environment, I am avoiding rear bass-reflex port(s) since the sliding doors behind the SPs are opened (usually) or closed (occasionally) during my listening sessions. I also excluded the possible use of passive radiator (SEAS has one for L26ROY, though) since it would be highly possible that I would decide the cabinet to be fully sealed; I will continue to using my L&R large and heavy sub-woofer Yamaha YST-SW1000 at least in 15 Hz - 45 Hz zone even after the possible installation of L26ROY.
Consequently, please note that my possible plan with SEAS XM001-04 L26ROY is still on paper and on PC simulations.
With all of the additions you've already made to your NS1000, you're considering yet another add-on mod!
I can't help ask -- instead of continuing to patch the system to compensate for shortcomings in the NS1000, why not just assemble a new integrated loudspeaker from the components?
The woofer in the NS1000 really isn't anything special. Any number of modern woofers, including the Seas L26ROY, surpass its performance in a myriad of ways.
And afaik, you're using the NS1000 entirely in active crossover mode, right? And by now you have something like a UMIK2 mic? (if not, it's a modestly priced & amazingly useful tool for a audio enthusiast!)
So why not assemble a Seas L26ROY + the domes from the NS1000 in a modern low-diffraction enclosure? The Seas woofer is certainly good to 1kHz, so that's no challenge at all. Even use 2 of those woofer per side, in a 3.5 way setup and retire the subs. You could also replace the tweeter with a modern dome like a Bliesma or Textreme SBAcoustics to eliminate the supertweeter. Use the DSP functions in your crossover software to optimize the system with presets -- one for classical, another for jazz -- and switch at your convenience.
Surely your loving spouse would approve of the clutter reduction.(It might even improve your room acoustics!)
PS -- I seem to be coming from a Marie Kondo pov, don't I?I haven't read or watched anything by her but I have to admit I've become a bit obsessed recently about simplifying all aspects of my life -- including my audio systems.
Good find of the dome cleaning video! Two questions for any Russian speakers here (I presume that's the language in the video? Correct me if I'm wrong!):You can find them on ebay. (btw the bliesma Be dome specs just got released)
How to clean the yammy Be dome:
@dualazmak WOW your setup is crazy complex! Nice documentation!
Good luck with your woofer quest.