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Loxjie D40 Pro DAC & HP Amp Review

Rate this DAC & HP Amp

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 4 1.6%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 8 3.1%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 39 15.1%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 207 80.2%

  • Total voters


Staff Member
CFO (Chief Fun Officer)
Feb 13, 2016
Seattle Area
This is a review and detailed measurements of the Loxjie D40 Pro balanced stereo DAC and headphone amplifier. It was sent to me by the company. It normally costs US $430 but is on sale for $388.
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced Review.jpg

The enclosure is metal but the silver look makes you think it is made out of plastic. The 7 segment display is workable but certainly not as fancy as a graphic display. It is however aided with hard buttons for common functions. The included remote makes it easy to navigate:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced headphone amplifier remote control Review.jpg

Overall, an attempt is made to save cost but not in a way that is too obtrusive. Let's see if performance is subject to same or not.

Loxjie D40 Pro Measurements
I must say, I was not prepared to see state of the art performance out of the D40 Pro:

Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR Measurement.png

It nicely lands in the middle of top 20 best DACs tested as far as combination of noise and distortion:
Best stereo DAC review 2023.png

RCA performance as usual a bit lower but still way past transparency:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced RCA Measurement.png

For above, I set the volume to 0 dB. It goes to +2 which gives you even more output and performance:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR THD vs Level Measurement.png

Noise performance is excellent of course:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced DNR Measurement.png

Multitone distortion is superb:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR Multitone Measurement.png

As is IMD:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR IMD Measurement.png

Linearity is perfect:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR Linearity Measurement.png

Jitter is perfect over USB and essentially the same over coax:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR Jitter Measurement.png

We have our typical set of filters:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR Filter Measurement.png

Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR Frequency Response Measurement.png

Using the default filter, we get excellent wideband noise and distortion:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced XLR THD vs frequency Measurement.png

So really, nothing to fault the DAC section on.

Loxjie D40 Pro Balanced Headphone Out Measurements
In the interest of time, I focused on balanced output. Unbalance would product 1/4 of power. Speaking of which, this is one powerful headphone output for this class of device:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced Headphone 300 ohm Measurement.png

Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced Headphone 32 ohm Measurement.png

Even in low gain mode we have plenty of power meaning you can enjoy the benefits of it never clipping and ultra low distortion. There is no negative gain which is usually required to get state of the art noise performance at just 50 mv output:
Best headphone amplifier review 2023.png

Still, performance is above average.

You can see the output stage power capability as we switch the output impedance form high of 600 ohm down to just 12 ohm:
Loxjie D40Pro Stereo USB DAC Balanced Headphone Power vs Impedance Measurement.png

I expect the headphone output to drive just about every headphone out there in balanced mode.

We have seen price creep in state of the art DACs in the last two years. Loxjie attempts to reverse the trend by producing same state of the art performance but at more affordable price point, especially with their sale. You pay no price for the DAC performance. Headphone amplifier in this class of device is usually competent but short in power to drive the most difficult headphones. Not so with D40 Pro. It produces a lot of power courtesy of its balanced output. There is really nothing to complain about and a lot to praise!

I am happy to recommend the Loxjie D40 Pro.

As always, questions, comments, recommendations, etc. are welcome.

Appreciate any donations using: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-to-support-audio-science-review.8150/
Thanks for the review Amir, I have the non-pro version, which you had already reviewed and it was Sota, I wonder why you didn't expect the same from the pro version.
One question, the non-pro version didn't have selectable pre and dac modes, so to get the "line" output you simply had to keep the volume at maximum. Is this still the case with this pro version?
One question, the non-pro version didn't have selectable pre and dac modes, so to get the "line" output you simply had to keep the volume at maximum. Is this still the case with this pro version?
I tested it by setting the volume to 0 or +2 dB as needed. In testing other products, the pre and non-pre make no difference in this class of DAC.
Really impressing performance. And a real bargain at this price point...

But I personally miss a PEQ as a key feature to get the best performance out of a given headphone (or do basic correction of room acoustics when connected to active speakers).

Nevertheless I voted "Great" for the measured performance and price. Than you for your restless efforts, @amirm :)
@amirm You're very productive today ! :)
Not on purpose. Just getting beat up to get reviews out! Now going to sleep....
Well, I guess I know what I'm getting if my old DX7s finally dies, this is the same price and leagues better performance. I also like the color. Could do without the red ring on the dial.
This is basically a Topping D90SE + Topping A90 with almost identical circuit (8ch 1612s for summing. 4 6120s in composite topology for hp out), at less than 1/3 of the price. amazing. it would be even better if it has negative gain.
A Hat trick Day for ASR readers! Thank you @amirm for your dedication to using science and engineering to reveal the truth about Audio Products. Graciously doing this in a non commercial manner. No hidden agenda, no Sponsors to bow down to. No advertisements polluting our reading experience. Pure science and results we can rely upon to tell us the unvarnished truth/facts. Without the money grubbing and disguised pandering to financial interests.

Thank you for your diligent day in and day out dedication to helping the average audio product consumer spend their money wisely and efficiently. You make putting together a SOTA audio system effortless, low cost and risk free. Bravo Zulu Sir. Your compassion and commitment are inspiring.

Please take a day or two off and enjoy some time outside of your Mad Scientist Laboratory. :cool:
How would this do with a 16 Ohm load? Would be fun to drive a compression driver with this in an active system.
This DAC has defective In high gain mode
Popping sound when changing track or sample rate
Well I gotta admit…I’m finally tempted to invest in this type of device. Excellent stats, and enough clean power for anything I’m likely going to hook up to it. Pretty darned sweet.
I wish they hired a professional industrial product designer. It performs like 2023 and looks like 1983. And not in a good way.
True…but many of us here started our audio journey by 1983! I kind of like the look. Gives me that Apt Holman vibe that I pined for all those years ago…

Once again Amir…Thanks for the review(s).
Average 50mV performance

If that was over 90dB, would be great.
amir's result is misleading (again). all the tests are performed on the balanced output only, which is a true balanced design (with +/- phase instead of +/GND), so the noise is doubled compared to single ended. If you use the single ended output, you'll have 6db less noise (by half), which will reach the 90db mark.
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