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      ejr replied to the thread Genelec 8030C Studio Monitor Review.
      It's hard to make any generalizations about EQ and room treatment because it is so specific to the space and I'm certainly not an expert...
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      ejr reacted to holbob's post in the thread WiiM Ultra... Am I missing something? with Like Like.
      That's harsh, I hope nobody who's previously said that reads your comment. The real deal with the Ultra (other than peq, streamer...
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      ejr replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      My post was not intended to be a commentary on this device's position in the marketplace or its advantages over other products in its...
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      ejr replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I am using Genelec speakers on all my setups. The speakers and subwoofer in my bedroom are those that I originally used on my DAW and to...
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      ejr replied to the thread Audio on Roku Ultra & Apple TV.
      I was thinking of connecting a Wiim Ultra through the ARC input and streaming Amazon Unlimited through that, rather than using the Roku...
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      ejr replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      In that case, the WiiM Ultra would not be worth it for me. Thanks.
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      I have a Roku Ultra to stream video to the TV in my bedroom. I have connected the optical output of the TV to my Loxjie D40 and output...
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      If I understand you correctly, that means I would have to use my iPad (since I don't have a smartphone), keept it charged up, and wait...
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      Amazon appears to be taking orders now ("FREE delivery July 24 - August 5 for Prime members"). It worries me that it says Alexa is...
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      Thanks for bringing that up. I forgot to mention that, in two albums I often listen to, playback stops after a particular song (after...
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      It appears that Amazon Music has recently abandoned gapless playback and reverted to its prior practice of senselessly inserting gaps...
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      ejr replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I am most interested to see how the screen works with Amazon Music and I don't want to use Alexa. I currently have my iPad mini...
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      ejr replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Hopefully, we will see some third-party reviews before then.
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      ejr replied to the thread Loxjie D40 Pro DAC & HP Amp Review.
      Only FL1, FL2, and FL3 are available on the original Loxjie D40, even after the update -- and I'm afraid I don't understand what the...
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      ejr replied to the thread Loxjie D40 Pro DAC & HP Amp Review.
      FYI - As of this writing Avast Anti-Virus is reporting blacklisted apps triggered when visiting the Loxjie English language web site. It...
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