Bonjour et désolé je promets le dernier bavardage
Je m'attendrais à un meilleur contrôle de la distorsion d'une enceinte aussi célèbre
Peut-être que je lis mal le graphique
Mais les performances sont discutables, surtout dans les médiums importants.
here are two other themes concerning these speakers:
The distortion, for me it seems obvious that they do not provide a sound as clean as a cabasse or kef type speaker.
This is where we come to the second theme, high fidelity.
For me in terms of distortion and in terms of frequency balance, image and they are not at the top but it is far from disgusting (read my comparison with the kef meta above). Now I also compared them with bw, ellipson, triangle, qacoustic audio monitor and I'm bored with all these columns. The measures make sense and we should definitely not put them aside, but in my opinion, we do not all have the same expectations and the same habitats.
After thinking about this subject, I think that to have a good fidelity speaker, you need to buy a pair of wide field monitoring with DSP.
I looked at atcs, the good ones cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Or buy each pair of monitoring speakers, for each album produced on it.
When comparing the columns during my choice, it was sometimes very hard to differentiate them from each other.
My installation is undoubtedly very far from neutrality, but it allowed me to reconcile myself with rock that is perhaps poorly produced.
My main measurement on this subject being the number of CDs purchased since I owned these speakers.
Otherwise no one can answer my question regarding Erin's sentence regarding difficult amplification via an AVR? something I've been doing for a long time...