These were on sale for $3500 so I got a set to try out. Easy to unbox and placed them on some old stands I had which were the same height as the recommended but without the 7° slant. Connected the main, digital link cable and hardwired them to my switch. Powered them up, began to get the settings in order and the volume and source knobs were frozen. Read the manual again, yes they are suppose to move, check to make sure there isn't a cover or something to hold them, no nothing there, still won't move. Will not rotate or push in or pull out. Look at the manual again, scratch my head and get a firm grip and turn, nothing. Get a really firm grip and turn as hard as I can and volume knob moves. OK that's probably not right but it's rotating easy now so I try the source knob, nothing. Get a really really good grip and turn as hard as I can, nothing. Time for the pliers and something to protect the plastic knob and that did the trick, source knob moves easy. No network. Look at manual again hold in both knobs as the network light shows red, nothing. Try 3 cables one I got from a working connection so I know it's good, nothing. Hold reset button for factory reset, got network. Fired up roon, finds the speakers easy enough click on first album I see and they do play. Shut them down and forgot about them for the rest of the day. Might run REW tomorrow, might get an RMA, still thinking on it. They do have a 2 year warranty from Sweetwater, they are new not demos or returns. Sleep on it.