”The rubbing of bows on string instruments was always particularly beautiful on these headphones.” That might very well be why I enjoyed them so much with classical music. This headphone had a very weird tonality. Moreover, bass was very soft and a lot of treble energy was missing. At the same time, on poorly recorded pop tracks, there was sibilance and very harsh ”th” sounds. And yet for classical music they were a delight to listen to, and I sort of regret selling them. Comparing the soundstage to the HD800 seems crazy to me since they were precisely the opposite, meaning they produced sounds right in the center of my head. In fact, that was another quality I liked about them since, on some tracks, these headphones would almost seem to massage my mind. I mean it would get sounds right there in the very very center, a sensation I found extremely pleasurable. I replaced them with the HE560, which are technically quite better in so many areas. But I dare say the 560 have never given me as much enjoyment as the 400i.