Bloody hell, he takes a long time to get to the point! I have used sine tones to aid in EQ tweaking before, but one drawback he didn't mention is that your natural hearing can have peaks & dips in some areas so you don't want to be EQ'ing out those - ie you can't assume your hearing is smooth. For instance, last time I checked I've got a massive peak in my hearing between 8-12kHz, and you wouldn't want to use EQ to correct for that in headphones. The only way to know for sure what your natural hearing is like is to listen to some sine sweeps on Anechoic Flat Speakers, and that's how I confirmed I have this massive peak in my hearing sensitivity between 8-12kHz. I didn't really notice any other hearing anomalies when listening to sine sweeps on Anechoic Flat speakers, apart from of course your hearing is less sensitive in the low bass and at higher frequencies (Fletcher Munson) - which is again something you don't want to correct for. In one of my EQ's for another of my headphones I did use this sine sweep method to locally flatten areas at around 5kHz if I remember rightly - but you have to do it locally, ie identifying peaks to iron down because Fletcher Munson issues means you can't really compare far distant parts (from each other) using this method because hearing sensitivity should be different in different broad areas of the frequency response.This is kinda old, but might be worth to try/read.
The most reliable/easiest way to EQ headphones properly to achieve the most ideal sound (for non-professionals)
(UPDATED on April 16th, 2020, with new links to missing test tones and YouTube videos.) I've been wanting to write a comprehensive guide on how to do surgical EQ corrections to achieve the best sound possible, in a way that is the easiest and most reliable, without any guesswork and
Didn't find any newer method.
I'm not sure if I'll use the sine wave method on my HD800, I might have another go at tweaking the bass to try to get a good level and to see if I can gain some impact & detail to it.....but problem is that lots of people report that HD800 just doesn't do clean impactful bass even if you try to make it do so through EQ. And then I might see if some of Oratory's user customisation filters can be tweaked to perfect other areas, following are the user customisation filters of the HD800 2020 EQ that I've been using (circled in red):
I think I'd need to play with bands 1&2, 6, 8 - and probably in that order. Might give it a go now. As I said I've only really had a go at finetuning the bass by ear, probably because nothing else jumped out at me as deficient, but Band 6 might gain some dividends.