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genelec 8350x2 vs 8330x2+7350x2 vs 8330x2+7360x1, which is better


Jan 18, 2023
Price is closed, for the living room, about 5m x 4m,listening distance is 2m~2.5m, which is better, 8350a x2 vs 8330a x2+7350x2 vs 8330a x2+7360x1, choose genelec because glm is convenient.
I would go for the 8330As plus dual 7350s. You should be able to reach roughly the same SPL than with a single 7360 but also achieve smoother in-room bass response.
From experience, for music only I'd prefer 8350 by a small margin. For movies or mixed use I'd strongly prefer 8330s with dual 7350s.

Then again, if you go with 8350s you can add 7370s later... ;)
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