
  1. WTree

    Passive UBR62 or Active Kali in8 V2 with AVR Marantz SR 7013?

    Hi, I was in the hobby very deep and it was all quiet for few years. Now I am back in the market - for new speakers. My KEF Reference 201/2 are gone (sold) and I am looking for replacement speakers to listen in my new non-dedicated room (3m X 5m). I can have my system on the long wall only so...
  2. J

    genelec 8350x2 vs 8330x2+7350x2 vs 8330x2+7360x1, which is better

    Price is closed, for the living room, about 5m x 4m,listening distance is 2m~2.5m, which is better, 8350a x2 vs 8330a x2+7350x2 vs 8330a x2+7360x1, choose genelec because glm is convenient.
  3. gamersensual14

    Midfield monitors comparison!

    I'm creating this thread in order to discuss which midfield studio monitors are the best in terms of sound, price, looks, value for money, etc. I'll start by comparing two great brands, Focal and Adam. I havent had the pleasure to listening to the old Adam A77Xs (now discontinued because of...
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