I have spent the last day testing the Elac DBR62 in various fashions. If you saw my earlier post/link to the DBR62 thread review you'll know what I'm talking about. The basis was to compare to Amir's results. I measured in the following manner:
Test # 1) Speaker on platform ~ 8.5 feet off the ground; window to about 13ms with accuracy down to approximately 100hz.
Speaker flush with front of platform (picture was taken before I began tests).
Pros: This method has the benefit of having very high resolution as you go above 200hz.
Cons: being subject to the elements (cold, wind, rain; external noise not really an issue in my area) and having to hoist a speaker up 8.5 feet in the air and risk throwing out my shoulder should I ever test a floorstanding speaker.
Here's a photo of the setup (I am using thumbnails on purpose; don't want to swamp this page with oversized images).
Here's the result compared to Amir's. You can see some decent differences namely above 1khz. Notably the 1-2khz region.
Now, I wouldn't say that test was 'final'; it was just a "proof of concept" and I suspect that I could probably get better accuracy with an additional test and higher # samples that feed the average. Given the hassle of setting the speaker up high I thought I would try a few other methods out to see how they compare.
Ok. That brings you up to speed to today's testing. Where I tried a number of things. I'll list the method, the pros/cons and provide a picture of the setup as well as my result vs Amir's result. Note: The stand was thrown together from scrap wood; if I were to use this it would change. But I didn't want to waste too much time because storms are setting in this afternoon and I needed to get to work. Also, ignore levels for now. I used a mic calibration file for FR but haven't checked the level with the pistonphone; I only care about the general trends for this process.
Test # 2) Measurement on a 5 foot stand in my garage; gating was about 4 ms.
Same stand used below but inside my garage with a ceiling height of about 10 feet. The speaker was positioned about 5 feet above the ground with the tweeter at about 10" off the platform.
Pros: Don't have to worry about the elements nor do I have to hoist the speaker 8 feet in the air.
Cons: Poor resolution below 1khz. I don't think I would even bother posting this data. For a single drive unit it's fine. But, speaking from experience, I need good resolution to determine where to merge LF response data of ported loudspeakers.
I didn't take a picture of this setup.
Here's the result compared to Amir's:
Test # 3) Outdoors on stand. Same stand as before. Window ~ 7ms.
Pro: Better resolution than garage measurement since ceiling reflection isn't there and thus gating is extended an additional 3ms or so.
Con: Outoors; weather/environment. Still not as good as the 8.5 foot platform or ground plane measurement (see below).
Here's the result compared to Amir's:
Test # 4) Ground Plane Measurement: Speaker Angled ~ 8 degrees; window out to 40ms before first reflection.
Speaker was angled at about 8 degrees so that the tweeter would be pointing on-axis with the microphone (well, as on-axis as it can be without burying the mic and pointing the mic at the DUT). Note that while the response was gated here, if I were to actually use this method I would move to the back yard where I could get the nearest reflection about 40 feet away which should get me down to around 20hz. So, this was more a sanity check test.
Pro: Invulnerability to reflection; I can get ever further out in my backyard. High resolution in to the very low frequency region.
Con: Outdoors. Diffraction effect of speaker changes due to the baffle doubling (via the mirror image effect). HF > 10khz seems to be a pain. From my research that's generally accepted as questionable. Though, I had decent results.
Phone placed at tweeter on baffle and used in 'selfie' mode to make sure the microphone was at the center of the image (trick I learned on another website).
Here's the result compared to Amir's:
At face value, each of my methods look pretty reasonable. And all are pretty much "industry standard". You can go to a website or magazine and see any number of reviewers using any of the above methods. But I wanted to do a comparison myself and see if there was any one method that is better than the other. Unfortunately, there isn't. I was hopeful the Ground-Plane method would yield the utmost accuracy (aka: match what Amir has). But it's missing the 600 hz - 1khz bump Amir's data shows and there's a slight difference in the LF region. Potentially diffraction effects; but playing around in EDGE and VirtuixCAD I didn't see the influence. Otherwise, it looks pretty dang good.
There's two possible reasons I'm seeing differences: 1) none of the methods I use are fool-proof or 2) I shouldn't put all my trust in to the NFS (not saying it's wrong; just saying it may also have a few things that make 97% accurate instead of 100% accurate; keeping in mind that an anechoic chamber has its own issues). I think the answer may actually be a large heaping of #1 and a small portion of #2. All of that said, once you combine these possibilities with the level of detail I'm viewing this in... really, none of my results are extremely different from the NFS results. They're just different in some areas and alike in others. I mean, I'm usually within 2dB difference. Which, yea, it's not minimal but in the grand scheme of things, I'd say that's not too bad. I want to be closer, though.
Ultimately, this is where I am at:
I still want to re-test on the 8.5 foot platform. Maybe I can do that tomorrow.
Measuring in the garage is convenient. Measuring outdoors provides better resolution, especially in the area where I would need to perform low-frequency response stitching and that is useful in determining how best to align the two sets of measurements.
I would prefer to find a method that yields the best accuracy without the need for additional post-processing. Though, when I started this venture my plan was to use the outdoor farfield measurement for > 200hz response and merge that with a ground-plane measurement for low frequency.
But if I could figure out how to calculate the diffraction impact then I could just remove it from the result. I could also use the near-field technique but if I were to get an oddly shaped port (flared) or something that's harder to easily measure and quantify then that would impact accuracy as well. There's also the "
mic in the box" method but it has the issue of being able to fit a mic; some speakers (like this Elac) won't allow my mic inside the slot port.
If you've read this far I assume you have some vested interest in these results. So, I welcome your opinions, as either or both fellow testers and reviewers.