Several I have talked to know I have been looking into this isolation grounding/transformer business. All my wanderings have turned out to be snake oil so far (thanks to this site and previous reviews and discussions). I may have stumbled on something worthy of sharing with the group for your feedback. It's a Hammand 171G Isolation Transformer. As I understand it, its application includes normal US household voltages and frequencies. 115 50/60Hz. Model G trips at 10amps (lower than your household circuit but higher than my audio load). One big difference between the Trippe Lite and others is the shield between the mains and secondary windings. That shield purports to do exactly what I need, which is to eliminate or reduce the 50/60Hz buzzing hum I have on my house wiring. The buzzing finds its way into my entire system (even when I lifted the ground wire on an old OneAC). It's only purpose is for noise reduction. The shield, according to the specs, does a decent job at it. Has anyone seen this unit and already moved on for good reason? I've attached the spec sheet. If it can do what I think it is supposed to do, I would plug it directly into the outlet I am using for my audio, and on the other end connect my small surge suppresor that gives me a few extra oulets, then plug in my gear. If this lowers the incoming noise, then I may have found just what I need at a somewhat reasonable cost. OK, at the risk of embarrising myself goes. What are folks thoughts?