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Review of NanoPi NEO2: World's Smallest Audio Streamer

Hi folks,
Need some ASR brain power. I just received Neo3 install dietpi and GMediaRender. Dietpi shows up on my network and as an end point from my media app. But it won't play. I start a song and it stops almost immediately. Do I have to do anything with the USB to get it to output audio?

Some steps would be really helpful.
Hi folks,
Need some ASR brain power. I just received Neo3 install dietpi and GMediaRender. Dietpi shows up on my network and as an end point from my media app. But it won't play. I start a song and it stops almost immediately. Do I have to do anything with the USB to get it to output audio?

Some steps would be really helpful.
When you login to the Neo3 and run `aplay -l`, what do you see? Does this show you the right DAC.
Yes it shows the correct DAC. So I guess its working.

I get this:

card 1: Pro [D30 Pro], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Cool. I wonder if the volume is just down. Try running `alsamixer` and making sure levels are up to 100%
root@DietPi:~# alsamixer
cannot open mixer: No such file or directory
It seems be correct.

│ Card: D30 Pro F1: Help │
│ Chip: USB Mixer F2: System information │
│ View: F3:[Playback] F4: Capture F5: All F6: Select sound card │
│ Item: D30 Pro [dB gain: 0.00]
You should see something like this:

Screen Shot 2021-10-21 at 3.38.31 PM.png

Just make sure the levels are up for all of the "sliders." Note: you may have scroll to the right to see all of them (right arros key)
It seems be correct.

│ Card: D30 Pro F1: Help │
│ Chip: USB Mixer F2: System information │
│ View: F3:[Playback] F4: Capture F5: All F6: Select sound card │
│ Item: D30 Pro [dB gain: 0.00]
I suspect that you may have to tell GMRenderer which card to use. This doc has some tips:

Essentially, use "aplay -L" (upper-case "L") to get the name of the device…it may not be "sysdefault".

You'll need to track down the script that is starting the process and possibly change the device to match your audio interface. This command may be useful to help you identify which file to edit:

grep -Frl gstout-audiodevice /etc
I suspect that you may have to tell GMRenderer which card to use. This doc has some tips:

Essentially, use "aplay -L" (upper-case "L") to get the name of the device…it may not be "sysdefault".

You'll need to track down the script that is starting the process and possibly change the device to match your audio interface. This command may be useful to help you identify which file to edit:

grep -Frl gstout-audiodevice /etc
If all of that is too much of a pain, you can use my trial code to start a Roon subscription. ;-)

I have a NanoPi NEO2, and it makes a very nice little Roon endpoint.
This is what I see.


  • mix.png
    47.3 KB · Views: 87
Okay. I very much appreciate your help. I'll look at the doc. I may try roon as well. I do have roon on my NAS.

If all of that is too much of a pain, you can use my trial code to start a Roon subscription. ;-)

I have a NanoPi NEO2, and it makes a very nice little Roon endpoint.
Thanks for your help and the link. I missed one step in the setup and its working now. Personally I don't see the value in ROON for my purposes but it truly is a great system.
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